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[1] "Tolerance Representation for
Mechanism Assemblies in Layered Manufacturing", Rajagopalan,
S. and Cutkosky, M. R., proceedings of the 1998 ASME DETC/DFM
Conference, Atlanta, GA, Sept 13-16, 1998 [pdf]
"Integrated Design and Rapid Manufacturing over the Internet",
Rajagopalan, S., Pinilla, J.M., Losleben, P., Tian, Q. and Gupta,
S.K., proceedings of the 1998 ASME DETC/CIE Conference, Atlanta, GA,
Sept 13-16, 1998 [pdf]
"Building Block Design for Layered Shape Manufacturing",
Binnard, M., and Cutkosky, M.R., proceedings of the 1998 ASME DETC/DFM
Conference, Atlanta, GA, Sept 13-16, 1998 [pdf]
"Tradewind: A Prototype Internet Marketplace for Solid Freeform
Fabrication", Tan, S., Rothkopf, A., Pinilla, J.M., proceedings of
the 1998 ASME DETC/CIE Conference, Atlanta, GA, Sept 13-16, 1998 [pdf]
"Representation and Processing of Heterogeneous Objects for Solid
Freeform Fabrication," Kumar, V., Rajagopalan, S., Cutkosky, M.R.,
and Dutta, D., IFIP WG5.2, Geometric Modeling Workshop, Dec 7-9, 1998,
Tokyo [pdf]
"Finding Near-Optimal Build Orientations for Shape Deposition
Manufacturing,"Gupta, S.K., Tian, Qi and Weiss, L., Proceedings of
Sculptured Surface Machining Conference, November 9-11, Auburn Hills,
MI, 1998 [pdf]
"Layered Manufacturing with Embedded Components: Process Planning
Issues," Cham, J.G., Pruitt,B.L., Cutkosky, M.R., Binnard, M.,
Weiss, L., Neplotnik, G., proceedings of the 1999 ASME DETC/DFM
Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept 12-15, 1999 [pdf]
[8] "Optimal Pose Selection for In-Situ Fabrication of Planar
Mechanisms," Rajagopalan, S. and Cutkosky, M.R., proceedings of
the 1999 ASME DETC/DFM Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept 12-15, 1999 [pdf]
[9] "A Design by Composition Approach for Layered Manufacturing,"
M. Binnard, and M.R. Cutkosky,
ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 122,
No. 1, March 2000, pp. 91-101
[10] "Representation of Heterogeneous Objects during Design, Processing and Freeform Fabrication
" Rajagopalan, S., Goldman, R., Shin,
K.H., Kumar, V., Cutkosky, M.R., and Dutta, D.,
Materials and Design, v. 22, no 3, pp. 185-197, December 2000 (to appear). [pdf]
[11]"Error Analysis for the In-Situ Fabrication of Mechanisms,"
Goel, P., Rajagopalan, S., and Cutkosky, M.R., proceedings of the
2000 ASME DETC/DFM Conference, Baltimore, MD, Sept. 13-16, 2000
[1] "Design by Composition for Rapid
Prototyping," Binnard, M., Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University,
February 1999 [pdf]
[2] "Design by Composition for Rapid Prototyping," Binnard, M., Kluwer Academic Press, 1999 [buy]
[3] "Error Analysis and Optimal Pose Selection for the In-Situ Fabrication of Mechanisms," Rajagopalan, S., Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, May 2000 [pdf]
[1] "A Design
Interface for 3D Manufacturing", proposal to NSF and DARPA, August
1996 [pdf]
"A Manufacturing Interface for 3D Design", proposal to NSF and
DARPA, August 1996 [pdf]
[3] Progress
Report for 97-98 [pdf]
[4] Progress
Report for 98-99 [pdf]
"Design by Composition for Layered Manufacturing," Mark
Cutkosky's CMU presentation [HTML]
[6] "Theoretical and Computational Problems in Modern Rapid
Prototyping," Cutkosky's presentation at the National Academy of
Sciences Forum on Mathematical Modeling, May 10-11, 1999. [pdf].
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