Index of Slides
Index of Slides
The Dream
Der Albtraum
IT Has focused on the First Necessity
Service-Oriented Architecture
IT Made Their Own Life Easier
Boeing's Perceived Problems
General, Hard Problems
Why SOA Doesn't Work
The Semantics of Semantics
Semantics are Hard
Current Web-Service-based Process Management Won't Scale
The Universe Doesn't Run on Workflow
Enterprise Laws for Reimbursement
Reimbursing C Petrie for $4000
Reimbursing C Petrie for $5000
What's So Great About This?
A Simple Supply Chain Problem
Contingencies can require Dynamic Synthesis
What's Wrong with This?
Collective Work
In the Future, Car Manufacturers Don't Make Cars
Revising DellAuto's Supply Chain
Mankind has built an Awesome Interoperable Network
Redux' Design Model Design and Scheduling Coordination Manager
Design Feeds Build DVD Prototype Schedule
IOU Designer Changes Mind
The Schedule can be Optimized
The Coordinated Internet Should be Our Target
Service Semantics Are Necessary
Specific Challenges for Services Development
The World Wide Workflow
Step 2: Redux-like Planning of Workflows
Coordination Engineering
Beyond Coordination
The Conscious Organization
The Internet of the Future
Charles Petrie
- permission to reproduce widely with attribution.