A Simple Supply Chain Problem
CENTRA is a car company that needs the CD Player
connected to a CD Dispenser connected to a power supply
Special power/control connection can only be disconnected by the company that
made the connection.
Any company that makes a connection offers a disconnection
Each component has 2 ports for connections.
UNIBUS offers a service for connecting CD components
CENTRA has a service that can connect any CD component to
the car chasis via a free port.
A shipping service can move components (connected components are
also components) from company to company.
CARCDs offers a CD Dispenser
CDsR'Us offers a CD Player and a power supply
The workflow for handling this is obvious.
Contingency: CDsR'Us cannot deliver power supply in time.
Opportunity: WeCDs offers a CD Player connected to a power supply
What's the best new plan?
Hint: It's not obvious to a human making a workflow.
Charles Petrie - permission to reproduce widely with attribution.