Dynamic Desingn Lab
Lab Overview
Research Directions

Experimental Steer-by-Wire Vehicle


  • Paul Yih


Drive-by-wire systems have many advantages over conventional automotive steering, braking, and throttle mechanisms. By electronically actuating the throttle, brakes, and steering, driving inputs can be fully integrated with vehicle safety systems and thus improve the safety benefits of such systems. However, the absence of conventional mechanical associations between the driver and the vehicle raises some new questions regarding the nature of interactions that occur between driver, vehicle, and environment in a drive-by-wire vehicle.

As a first step toward investigating the potential of by-wire technology, a test vehicle has been equipped with complete steer-by-wire capability. The steer-by-wire platform will serve a dual purpose: in addition to assisting in the development of theories relating the driver to steering system dynamics, it will be used as a testbed for experimentally validating theoretical work in vehicle control.

PhD Dissertation

  • "Steer-by-Wire: Implications for Vehicle Handling and Safety" December 2004 [pdf]

Defense Presentation

  • "Steer-by-Wire: Implications for Vehicle Handling and Safety" May 27, 2004 [ppt] [pdf]
  • video of Moffett Field testing [mpg]

Conference Presentations

Conference Proceedings

Journal Publications

  • "Steer-by-Wire for Vehicle State Estimation and Control" submitted to ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
  • "Modification of Vehicle Handling Characteristics via Steer-by-Wire" submitted to IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
