Initial guidelines for the exercise were outlined prior to its execution. A summary document is also available.
The following serves as a demonstration of the ACaPS negotiation process and protocol. The appearance of the referenced pages reflects the state of the pages and forms when the exercise took place. Changes to the actual ACaPS pages and forms are likely to have occurred since then.
By browsing the World-Wide Web, Robert Hillaire of Sandia National Laboratory in Livermore, CA, discovers Lockheed's Agile Cable Production Service offered by the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company in Sunnyvale, CA. After reviewing the service description, including information about the facility and capabilities, Robert decides to request a rough quote. This page shows the rough quote request form as filled out by Robert and submitted at 09:17. Robert posted additional design information at Sandia's anonymous FTP site, as indicated in his request.
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Frank Schalk of LMSC's Cable Production Facility receives the request. This page shows the original request information as reviewed by Frank, and includes the rough quote form as filled out by Frank. The sketches of the design (for customer verification) are sent with the rough quote.
The process of providing the rough quote information to the customer includes posting the rough quote HTML page on Lockheed's Web site, and emailing the URL of this page to the customer. Also, a final quote request form is automatically generated and posted, with a link from the rough quote. This final quote request form is pre-filled-out with the customer's original information, which the customer can then change if needed.
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At 09:50, Robert receives email telling him that his rough quote is ready. He reviews the rough quote (with sketch of the harness provided by Lockheed) and decides to request a final quote. He uses the customized final quote request form provided, and submits the request at 10:00.
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At 10:05, Frank receives the final quote request. As with the rough quote request, this document contains the original client information submitted by Sandia, and also a final quote form that Frank fills out. The completed final quote is posted, and email sent to notify Sandia of is availability and whereabouts, at 10:14.
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Robert is notified of the availability of a final quote and its location at around 10:15. After reviewing the quote, he secures permission to submit a purchase order for the cable. A purchase order is submitted at 10:37 via telephone. (In the future, this too will be an electronic transaction using the World-Wide Web as described above; it decided that what we had of the architecture was sufficient for the first exercise, and that skipping the electronic purchase order would simplify matters.)
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By 10:55, the cable shop has successfully retrieved the detailed design information and used this information to program the Wirematic NC form board layout and wire routing system, and the CableScan wiring and verification computers.
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At 12:42, the formboard layout is plotted on mylar. Pinning the formboard and loading the wire into the Wirematic commences is complete by 12:53.
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This step, which includes twisting, applying tape ID's, adding braid and jacket, is finished by 1:45. At this point, the Lockheed cable shop stopped operation for the day.
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Following a delay caused by a mishap with components and availability, work began on addition of the connectors. This work was completed, with all connectors pinned and tested, at 08:21 Friday, 12 Aug '94.
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The customer's purchase order called for potting, which requires time to cure. The potting compound was applied at noon on Friday, with a cure time of about eight hours. At this point, the exercise was declared officially complete. The cable would be ready for delivery the following Monday morning.
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