Index of Slides
Slide Index
A Cyber Wizard
What Could a CyberWizard Do?
What Would a Wizard Keep Doing?
Working the Wizard
Manage Relief Logistics
An Avatar for Everyone
Digital Enterprises
What about your industry?
What about your industry?
What about your industry?
Where is our Wizard?
Behind The Curtain
The Academic Software Agents Approach
The Industrial CORBA Approach
The Industrial Web Services Approach
Where are our WS Links?
BPEL4WS Links Block Magic
Exisitng WS Link Possibilities
WS Semantics
Current Semantics Research
Semantic Wizards
WS Representation
Web Services Planning
Situational Calculus is a subset of Computational Logic
Situational Calculus Restrictions
Reuse work from Concurrent Engineering
Replanning with Redux
Web Services Plan
Web Service Failure
React to WS Failure
We're Close!
Advanced Wizardry
Monitoring/Controlling Distributed Processes
Less Advanced Wizardry
What's the Problem?
Our Grand Challenge
The Challenge: Offer a
open, simple
We Can Make Magic
Extra Reading