The PMApplet provides an interface to the ProcessLink-system and PM, that is very similar to common project management tools. It avoids complexity by hiding implementation details behind a simple dialog-driven interface. Thus it should look familiar to planners and designer and make it easy to adapt. Nonetheless the Applet supports the full range of planning, scheduling and execution in one integrated interface, something that common project management tools do not.
Many features of project management software are missing, such as resource-leveling algorithms or other visualization like PERT-charts. These could be easily added to the Applet due to its extensible architecture, even though the vast number of little features provided by PM-software will make this a time-consuming process. A better alternative would be to use the PMApplet as a wrapper for legacy software. Thus the embedded software can provide common functionality while the wrapper will handle modeling issues and provide revision-functionality. This, however, is a topic of future work and not addressed any further here.