Shared Ontologies Provide Semantics
If two applications use the same ontology, they have a good chance of interoperating.
Ontologies can also be used for mediating input/output labels.> rdf:type owl:Ontology
Org2Ont:NumBundles rdf:type owl:Class;
owl:equivalentClass Org1Ont:Quantity .
Org2Ont:DeliveryDate rdf:type owl:Class;
owl:equivalentClass Org1Ont:DueDate .
Org2Ont:AvailabilityConfirmation rdf:type owl:Class;
owl:equivalentClass Org1Ont:AvailabilityConfirmation .
By using this
ontology, the composing program knows that the service with input "DeliverDate" is the same as the input "DueDate".
Well, that's the theory. Let's move on.
Charles Petrie
- permission to reproduce widely with attribution.