Class JavaAgent.context.AgentFrame
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Class JavaAgent.context.AgentFrame


public class AgentFrame
extends Frame
AgentFrame provides a graphical interface for an Agent.

Copyright (c) 1995, H. Robert Frost, Stanford University. All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) 1996, H. Robert Frost, Enterprise Integration Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the FAR and NASA FAR supplement.

This software is bound by the terms and conditions listed in the attached LICENSE file.

Variable Index

 o Action
 o cmp
 o ComposeMessage
 o context
 o Controls
 o Help
 o HelpAbout
 o incoming
 o IncomingLength
 o lmp
 o LoadMessage
 o LoadResource
 o lrp
 o Messages
 o name
 o NumReceived
 o NumSent
 o outgoing
 o OutgoingLength
 o Quit
 o received
 o Resources
 o sent
 o smp
 o SystemMessageStorage
 o SystemStatPanel
 o ViewMessage
 o ViewResource
 o vmp
 o vrp

Constructor Index

 o AgentFrame(AgentContext, String)
Constructor for an AgentFrame.

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
Called when an event happens in the AgentFrame.
 o addPanel(Panel)
Takes a panel created by the Agent and passed through the MessageOutput object and displays it in a new top-level window.
 o addSystemMessage(String)
Displays the message in the SystemMessages TextArea.
 o ComposeMessageAction()
Called when "Compose Message" is selected from the menu bar.
 o CreateNewFrame(Panel, int, int, String)
Generic method for creating a new top-level window with the specified width, height and name to contain the specified panel.
 o getAgent()
 o HelpAboutAction()
Called when "About Java(tm) Agent" is selected from the menu bar.
 o informPanel(InterfacePanel, String)
 o killPanel(InterfacePanel)
Sets the InterfacePanel's reference to null.
 o LoadMessageAction()
Called when "Load Messages" is selected from the menu bar.
 o LoadResourceAction()
Called when "Load Resources" is selected from the menu bar.
 o QuitAction()
Called when "Quit" is selected from the menu bar.
 o resourceChanged(String)
Called when some Agent resource has changed.
 o SystemMessagesAction()
Create a SystemMessagesPanel.
 o terminate()
Called by the AgentContext to dispose of the gui.
 o terminatePanel(InterfacePanel)
Terminates a specific panel.
 o terminatePanels()
Terminates all of the panels.
 o ViewMessageAction()
Called when "View Messages" is selected from the menu bar.
 o ViewResourceAction()
Called when "View Resources" is selected from the menu bar.


 o name
  protected String name
 o context
  protected AgentContext context
 o outgoing
  protected int outgoing
 o incoming
  protected int incoming
 o sent
  protected int sent
 o received
  protected int received
 o vrp
  protected ViewResourcePanel vrp
 o lrp
  protected LoadResourcePanel lrp
 o vmp
  protected ViewMessagePanel vmp
 o lmp
  protected LoadMessagePanel lmp
 o cmp
  protected ComposeMessagePanel cmp
 o smp
  protected SystemMessagesPanel smp
 o Controls
  protected MenuBar Controls
 o Action
  protected Menu Action
 o Quit
  protected MenuItem Quit
 o Messages
  protected Menu Messages
 o ViewMessage
  protected MenuItem ViewMessage
 o LoadMessage
  protected MenuItem LoadMessage
 o ComposeMessage
  protected MenuItem ComposeMessage
 o Resources
  protected Menu Resources
 o ViewResource
  protected MenuItem ViewResource
 o LoadResource
  protected MenuItem LoadResource
 o Help
  protected Menu Help
 o HelpAbout
  protected MenuItem HelpAbout
 o SystemStatPanel
  protected Panel SystemStatPanel
 o NumReceived
  protected Label NumReceived
 o NumSent
  protected Label NumSent
 o OutgoingLength
  protected Label OutgoingLength
 o IncomingLength
  protected Label IncomingLength
 o SystemMessageStorage
  protected Vector SystemMessageStorage


 o AgentFrame
  protected AgentFrame(AgentContext context,
                       String title)
Constructor for an AgentFrame. Creates GUI components.
context - AgentContext which created this gui.
title - Title for the frame.


 o getAgent
  protected Agent getAgent()
Agent contained by context.
 o action
  public boolean action(Event evt,
                        Object arg)
Called when an event happens in the AgentFrame. Used to take action on menu bar selections.
evt - The event which triggered the method call.
arg - Who called the method. For buttons, string name of button.
action in class Component
 o CreateNewFrame
  protected void CreateNewFrame(Panel p,
                                int width,
                                int height,
                                String name)
Generic method for creating a new top-level window with the specified width, height and name to contain the specified panel.
 o QuitAction
  protected void QuitAction()
Called when "Quit" is selected from the menu bar.
 o terminate
  protected void terminate()
Called by the AgentContext to dispose of the gui.
 o terminatePanels
  protected void terminatePanels()
Terminates all of the panels.
 o terminatePanel
  protected void terminatePanel(InterfacePanel p)
Terminates a specific panel.
 o killPanel
  protected void killPanel(InterfacePanel p)
Sets the InterfacePanel's reference to null.
 o SystemMessagesAction
  protected void SystemMessagesAction()
Create a SystemMessagesPanel.
 o ComposeMessageAction
  protected void ComposeMessageAction()
Called when "Compose Message" is selected from the menu bar. Creates a new top-level frame for the interactive creations of a KQML message. Has a default message to start with.
 o ViewMessageAction
  protected void ViewMessageAction()
Called when "View Messages" is selected from the menu bar. Creates a new top-level frame for the interactive viewing of received KQML messages.
 o LoadMessageAction
  protected void LoadMessageAction()
Called when "Load Messages" is selected from the menu bar. Creates a new top-level frame which allows the user to select a file from which to load a set of messages.
 o resourceChanged
  public void resourceChanged(String type)
Called when some Agent resource has changed.
type - String identifying the type of the resource.
 o informPanel
  protected void informPanel(InterfacePanel p,
                             String type)
 o ViewResourceAction
  protected void ViewResourceAction()
Called when "View Resources" is selected from the menu bar. Creates a new top-level frame which allows the user to view the resources currently possessed by the Agent.
 o LoadResourceAction
  protected void LoadResourceAction()
Called when "Load Resources" is selected from the menu bar. Creates a new top-level frame which allows the user to load new resources from somewhere on the Internet.
 o HelpAboutAction
  protected void HelpAboutAction()
Called when "About Java(tm) Agent" is selected from the menu bar. Creates a new top-level frame which tells the user about the Functionality of the Java(tm) Agent.
 o addSystemMessage
  public void addSystemMessage(String message)
Displays the message in the SystemMessages TextArea.
message - The message to output.
 o addPanel
  public void addPanel(Panel p)
Takes a panel created by the Agent and passed through the MessageOutput object and displays it in a new top-level window.

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