Class JavaAgent.agent.Agent
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Class JavaAgent.agent.Agent
- public class Agent
- extends Object
Class which represents a autonomous software agent whose capabilities are
represented by a set of resource objects which include both data and
Java class definitions. Agent's communicate with one another via KQML
messages which are transmitted by a CommInterface object. Resource
storage and management is handled by a ResourceManager object.
Message transmission via the CommInterface is the responsibility of
a MessageHandler object.
The Agent must be created, along with the CommInterface, in an external
class which implements the ContextInterface interface.
Upon creation the agent must be provided with:
- Reference to a ContextInterface.
- A String name for the Agent.
- A URL for an initialization file which contains a set of KQMLmessages
to be processed at startup. (One of these messages will provide the address
of an Agent Name Server (ANS) to which the Agent must send its name and
- A URL for a directory which contains shared classes and files. If the
Agent will communicate with other Agents distributed over the Internet, this
URL must have the http protocol.
- A directory for local access to shared classes, which will be null
if the Agent is unable to write to the local file system.
- A directory for local files, which will be null if the
Agent is unable to write to the local file system.
Each Agent, when created, loads a set of initialization messages from
an initialization file. One of these messages will provide the address of an
Agent Name Server (ANS) to which the Agent must send its name and address.
Each Agent automatically "knows" the "KQML" language (KQMLmessage class)
and the "agent" Interpreter (AgentInterpreter class).
The internal knowledge of an Agent is contained in a set of Resource
classes (managed by the ResourceManager). Access to the data within these
classes is synchronized to
prevent race conditions. A special subclass of Resource, RetrievalResource,
provides the storage for addresses, languages, interpreters and remotely
loaded classes. When an Agent attempts to access a non-existent element
from a RetrievalResource instance, the access thread is blocked and a
message is sent to obtain the desired object. When the object is received,
the access thread is restarted. (See the RetrievalResource class for
more information). This action is taken for unknown addresses, languages,
interpreters, general classes and files. For the retrieval of
remote code, a Hashtable of NetworkClassLoaders is maintained.
When a message is received by an Agent the following steps occur within
the MessageHandler:
- The CommInterface receives a string message and parses it
to create a KQMLmessage and calls the Agent's receiveMessage method.
- The KQMLmessage is passed to the interpretMessage method of an
instance of the specified Interpreter. (In this context, an Interpreter is
represented by a class which contains procedural instructions for
interpreting a specific message. A more appropriate name may be message
handler) If the Agent does not possess the Interpreter, a
request for that class is sent, per the RetrievalResource
functionality, to the Agent who sent the message.
- For each Interpreter, the message is interpreted according to
the language specified for the content. (Here language represents the
syntatical knowledge necessary to parse the content string and construct a
subclass of Language which can be interpreted by an Interpreter subclass)
Again, if the Agent does not possess the specified Language subclass,
a request is sent to the message sender.
Agent communications regarding addressing, code retrieval and other
organizational or architectural issues (not related to domain knowledge) are
done using KQML for the message content syntax and the "agent"
MessageHandler. (See class AgentHandler).
Copyright (c) 1995, H. Robert Frost, Stanford University.
All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1996, H. Robert Frost, Enterprise Integration Technologies,
Inc. All rights reserved.
RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the
FAR and NASA FAR supplement.
This software is bound by the terms and conditions listed in the
attached LICENSE file.
- Interface to the context in which the Agent was created.
- Object which handles all message transmission and maintains a
history of both sent and received messages.
- URL for initialization file.
- Can the Agent perform local file io?
- A unique String identifier for the Agent.
- Object which contains and manages all of the Agent's resources.
URL for the classes directory containing classes which will be shared
with other agents.
- Directory for local access to the shared classes URL.
- Working directory for saving files on the local disk, null if the Agent
cannot write to the local file system.
Agent(ContextInterface, String, URL, URL, File, File)
- Contructs an Agent with a name, init file, shared classes URL
and working directory.
- If the context supports a GUI, then add the instantiated and intialized
panel to a new top-level window.
- Pipes a system message to the Agent's context.
addSystemMessage(String, Exception)
- Pipes a system message to the Agent's context.
- Returns the message currently being interpreted, returns null
if no message is being interpreted.
- Gets name of Agent.
- Returns a Vector of received messages, if more than MESSAGE_STORAGE
number have been received, only returns the most recent.
- Get the resource object for the specified type.
- Returns a Vector of transmitted messages, if more than MESSAGE_STORAGE
number have been sent, only returns the most recent.
- Retrieves the URL for shared classes and files, returns null if there
are no files to share.
- Retrieves the directory for local access to the shared classe dir.
- Retrieves the directory for local file storage, might be null.
- Returns true if the AgentContext supports a GUI.
- Creates the ResourceManager, MessageHandler and reads in the init_file.
- Called when the executable class which contains the Agent terminates.
- Returns true if the Agent is currently interpreting a message.
loadClass(URL, String)
- Called to load a remote class into the current runtime environment.
- Loads a set of KQMLmessages from a file at the specified URL.
loadResource(String, String, String, String)
- Loads a given resource.
Called by the associated CommInterface when a KQMLmessage is received.
- Releases the transmission block.
- Called by a Resource object when the number of elements has changed.
- Called when a non-Resource object has changed.
- Group of messages which are automatically sent out at startup.
- Called to send a given KQMLmessage.
sendResult(KQMLmessage, boolean, String)
- Called by the associated CommInterface to report the success of
a sendMessage call.
- Sets the value of the CommInterface.
- Sets the name of the Agent.
- Called when the last termination message has been
protected ContextInterface context
- Interface to the context in which the Agent was created.
protected ResourceManager resources
- Object which contains and manages all of the Agent's resources.
protected MessageHandler handler
- Object which handles all message transmission and maintains a
history of both sent and received messages.
protected String name
- A unique String identifier for the Agent. When an Agent is started the
user is requested to either provide a name or let the name default to
one generated from the Agent's address (will be unique).
protected File working_dir
- Working directory for saving files on the local disk, null if the Agent
cannot write to the local file system.
protected URL shared_classes
- URL for the classes directory containing classes which will be shared
with other agents.
protected File shared_dir
- Directory for local access to the shared classes URL.
protected URL init_url
- URL for initialization file.
protected boolean io_enabled
- Can the Agent perform local file io?
public Agent(ContextInterface context,
String n,
URL init_url,
URL shared,
File shared_dir,
File working_dir)
- Contructs an Agent with a name, init file, shared classes URL
and working directory.
- Parameters:
- n - String identifier for the Agent.
- init_url - URL for the initialization file.
- shared - URL for shared classes.
- shared_dir - Directory for local access to shared classes.
- working_dir - Directory for local files, will be null if the
Agent is unable to write to the local file system.
public void init()
- Creates the ResourceManager, MessageHandler and reads in the init_file.
public void setComm(CommInterface c)
- Sets the value of the CommInterface.
- Parameters:
- c - CommInterface for this Agent.
public void sendInitMessages()
- Group of messages which are automatically sent out at startup. If
the name submitted by the agent is non-unique, these message will be
resent with the unique name.
public boolean localIO()
- Returns:
- True if the Agent can perform local file IO.
public URL getSharedClassesURL()
- Retrieves the URL for shared classes and files, returns null if there
are no files to share.
- Returns:
- URL for directory containing both the classes directory and
the directory for files.
public File getWorkingDir()
- Retrieves the directory for local file storage, might be null.
- Returns:
- Directory for local files.
public File getSharedDir()
- Retrieves the directory for local access to the shared classe dir.
- Returns:
- Directory for shared classes
public void loadInitFile(URL file_url)
- Loads a set of KQMLmessages from a file at the specified URL.
This file must be a text file containing one KQMLmessage per line.
The language and Interpreter fields for the messages are limited to
"KQML" and "agent", respectively.
At a minimum this file must contain a KQMLmessage informing the Agent of
the address of the ANS, this message will have the following structure:
"(evaluate :sender file :receiver: agent :language KQML
:ontology agent :content (tell-address :name <name> :host <host>
:port <port>))".
- Parameters:
- file_url - The URL for the init file.
public void loadResource(String type,
String name,
String object_name,
String url)
- Loads a given resource. If the resource currently exists does not
- Parameters:
- type - Type of resource, either language, Interpreter or class
- name - The identifier for the resource.
- object_name - The class or file name.
- url - The code base for the class.
public Resource getResource(String type)
- Get the resource object for the specified type.
- Parameters:
- type - Resource type to get, one of: "address", "language",
"interpreter" or "class".
- Returns:
- Resource object or null if type does not exist.
public void resourceChanged(Resource r)
- Called by a Resource object when the number of elements has changed.
- Parameters:
- type - Type of the Resource.
public void resourceChanged(String resource)
- Called when a non-Resource object has changed.
- Parameters:
- type - Type of resource.
public void addSystemMessage(String message)
- Pipes a system message to the Agent's context.
- Parameters:
- message - The system message to output.
public void addSystemMessage(String message,
Exception e)
- Pipes a system message to the Agent's context.
- Parameters:
- message - The system message to output.
- e - Exception which generated the message, may be null.
public boolean interpretingMessage()
- Returns true if the Agent is currently interpreting a message.
- Returns:
- true if a message is being interpreted.
public KQMLmessage currentMessage()
- Returns the message currently being interpreted, returns null
if no message is being interpreted.
public String getName()
- Gets name of Agent.
- Returns:
- Agent name.
public void setName(String name)
- Sets the name of the Agent.
- Parameters:
- name - Agent name.
public boolean hasGUI()
- Returns true if the AgentContext supports a GUI.
- Returns:
- True if the context has a GUI, false otherwise.
public void addPanel(Panel p)
- If the context supports a GUI, then add the instantiated and intialized
panel to a new top-level window.
- Parameters:
- p - Panel to add.
public void sendMessage(KQMLmessage message)
- Called to send a given KQMLmessage. Calls the sendMessage method of the
associated MessageHandler which will pass the message to the
CommInterface for transmission.
- Parameters:
- message - The KQMLmessage to send, null if the buffer is being
public void releasePending()
- Releases the transmission block.
public void sendResult(KQMLmessage message,
boolean status,
String reason)
- Called by the associated CommInterface to report the success of
a sendMessage call.
- Parameters:
- message - The KQMLmessage which the CommInterface was asked to
- status - True if the message transmission was successful, false if
- reason - String with detailed reason.
public Vector getSentMessages()
- Returns a Vector of transmitted messages, if more than MESSAGE_STORAGE
number have been sent, only returns the most recent.
- Returns:
- Vector of KQMLmessages.
public Vector getReceivedMessages()
- Returns a Vector of received messages, if more than MESSAGE_STORAGE
number have been received, only returns the most recent.
- Returns:
- Vector of KQMLmessages.
public void receiveMessage(KQMLmessage message)
- Called by the associated CommInterface when a KQMLmessage is received.
The message is handled based on the Interpreter for the message content.
Content language is considered within the Interpreter handler.
- Parameters:
- message - The KQMLmessage which was received.
public Class loadClass(URL code_url,
String name)
- Called to load a remote class into the current runtime environment.
First check to see if a loader for the URL already exists, only create
a new loader if one doesn't currently exist.
Returns null if no code is found.
- Parameters:
- code_url - code base URL
- name - Class name.
- Returns:
- The loaded Class.
public void terminate()
- Called when the last termination message has been
public void initiateTermination()
- Called when the executable class which contains the Agent terminates.
The agent sends a remove-address message to the ANS.
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