Class JavaAgent.agent.ResourceManager
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Class JavaAgent.agent.ResourceManager
- public class ResourceManager
- extends Object
Manages all of the Resource objects for a specific Agent.
Copyright (c) 1995, H. Robert Frost, Stanford University.
All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1996, H. Robert Frost, Enterprise Integration Technologies,
Inc. All rights reserved.
RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the
FAR and NASA FAR supplement.
This software is bound by the terms and conditions listed in the
attached LICENSE file.
- Local storage for agent addresses.
- Storage for all Classes loaded into the runtime.
- Storage for NetworkClassLoaders used to load remote classes into the
current runtime.
- Storage for all local Files.
- Storage for the subclasses of Interpreter which the agent can understand.
- Storage for the subclasses of Language which the agent can understand.
- Agent whose Resources are managed.
- Initializes the memory and contents of all Agent resources.
- Sends a system message to the agent.
addSystemMessage(String, Exception)
- Sends a system message to the agent w/ exception.
- Get the resource object for the specified type.
loadClass(URL, String)
- Called to load a remote class into the current runtime environment.
loadResource(String, String, String, String)
- Loads a given resource.
protected Agent parent
- Agent whose Resources are managed.
protected Hashtable ClassLoaders
- Storage for NetworkClassLoaders used to load remote classes into the
current runtime. Type NetworkClassLoader.
protected Addresses addresses
- Local storage for agent addresses. Identifiers are Agent names,
type String, elements are addresses, type AgentAddress.
protected Classes classes
- Storage for all Classes loaded into the runtime. Identifiers are
class names, type String, elements are the classes, type Class.
protected Files files
- Storage for all local Files.
protected Interpreters interpreters
- Storage for the subclasses of Interpreter which the agent can understand.
Identifiers are Interpreter names, type String, elements are instances of
Interpreter, type Interpreter.
protected Languages languages
- Storage for the subclasses of Language which the agent can understand.
Identifiers are language names, type String, elements are subclasses of
Language, type Class.
public ResourceManager(Agent parent)
- Initializes the memory and contents of all Agent resources.
public void addSystemMessage(String message)
- Sends a system message to the agent.
- Parameters:
- message - The system message to output.
public void addSystemMessage(String message,
Exception e)
- Sends a system message to the agent w/ exception.
- Parameters:
- message - The system message to output.
- e - Exception which generated the message, may be null.
public void loadResource(String type,
String name,
String object_name,
String url)
- Loads a given resource. If the resource currently exists does not
- Parameters:
- type - Type of resource, either language, Interpreter or class
- name - The identifier for the resource.
- object_name - The class or file name.
- url - The code base for the class.
public Resource getResource(String type)
- Get the resource object for the specified type.
- Parameters:
- type - Resource type to get, one of: "address", "language",
"interpreter" or "class".
- Returns:
- Resource object or null if type does not exist.
public Class loadClass(URL code_url,
String name)
- Called to load a remote class into the current runtime environment.
First check to see if a loader for the URL already exists, only create
a new loader if one doesn't currently exist.
Returns null if no code is found.
- Parameters:
- code_url - code base URL
- name - Class name.
- Returns:
- The loaded Class.
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