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Ireland and UK are GMT +0 hours (Zulu) + 1 hour DST: 8 hours ahead of California.
Germany is 9 hours ahead of California: the time is MSZ.

Contact information is for emergency use: nur für Notfall.

FRI 21 Oct
06:27 PDT Caltrain San Antonio
06:59 Milbrae
07:01 BART alt 07:16
07:07 SFO alt 07:22
08:20 AA 196 SFO
16:55 EDT BOS
20:50 AA 212

SAT 22 Oct
07:40 GMT SNN

Radisson Hotel Galway
Lough Atalia Road
confirm 154359
local +353 91 538200
Europe +353 1706 0284
USA +1 402 491 6100

DERI Contacts:
Hilda Fitzpatrick
Ph: +353 91 512603
Fax: +353 91 512541
IT Building Room 412
University Road
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)
Brian Wall 87-6537937
Stefan Decker 87-1233727
Chris 87 682 6940
Karen 87 290 7058
Budget 91 566 276
Enterprise 91 771 200

L3ZB3S Conf 2OYTD5
WED 26 Oct
13:35 EI 376 SNN
14:55 LHR
16:05 BA 0986 #2OYTD5
18:50 MSZ TXL Berlin

J3CS20 CONF 94797729
Golden Tulip Hotel Residenz
Meinekestraße 9, D-10719
+49 30 88 44 3-0

Birgit Khöler +49 30 859 67997
Afsaneh Haddadi <>
+49 1608621882

THU 27 Oct
10:22 Berlin Zoo U9
10:34 Rathaus Steglitz
10:43 S1
11:06 Griebnitzsee (Potsdam)
Underpass to University of Potsdam, left for 500m
Visiting Hasso Plattner Institute

Contact: Dr. Weske Mathias <>

FRI 28 Oct
12:39 G3 Berlin Zoo ICE 279
13:38 Wolfsburg
15:00 Visit with Prof. Zimmerli, VW AutoUni
17:05 G5 WO ICE 941
18:03 Berlin Zoo

SAT 29 Oct
12:30 BA 0983
13:25 GMT LHR

Holiday Inn
97 Cromwell Road, London SW7
Tel: 0207 341 3355
Reservation Number: 62980582

Veronika Guggenbichler <>
+44 20 7613 5444 (wk)
+44 077 4077 0872 (mobile)
+44 20 7613 3444 (fax)
Liz: 07843346557

SUN 30 Oct
10:30 AA 109
12:50 EDT BOS
14:55 AA 211
18:27 PDT SFO

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