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Charles Petrie

Senior Research Scientist (Retired)
Stanford Computer Science Department Logic Group
Picture    Contact Information   Born in 1948
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Research Robot Image

Retired Sr.Research Scientist at in the Stanford Logic Group in the Computer Science Department. For detail, see the Professional Biography and the initiatives below.


Ten Years Off-Grid: Don't Try This At Home, How to, and how not to, build an off-grid photovoltaic system for your home.

Web Service Composition, based on Lectures on Web Service Composition taught at KIT, 20112.

Automated Configuration Problem Solving

Keynote: Strategic IT-Management, Sofitel Munich Bayerpost, München, 23-25 January 2012.
" Future of the Internet: Coordinating Collective Work"; paper in Chinese, translation courtesy of Elisa Liang,

IEEE Internet Computing, especially the "Peering" column.

"Emergent Collectives for Work and Play"

Personal Interests

Germany Big Boy Martial Arts BMW Motorcycle Sierra Club The Nature Conservancy


We are God's eyes and he wants us to see clearly.*

It's not reality's job to conform to your expectations.*

Show me your rules and I will play by them. But you won't like it.*

You're not beat until you quit, or die.

Were it easy, everyone would do it.

In the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is burned as a witch.**

Popular destinations become plastic replicas of themselves.*

Those who would take away my freedoms, destroy my land, and enslave my children are my enemies.*
If the shoe fits...

The world doesn't care what storms you encountered: did you bring the ship in?
Never let them see you sweat.

A country isn't a rock.*

Attacking Chaos is a Virtue* (264K)

A man's character is revealed not so much by his mistakes but by how he handles them.

All AI projects should have a rock solid foundation.* (93K)

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

Home is where you go to show the pictures of where you've been.

On the Internet, no one knows you are a Lisp program.**

The best computer I've ever used was a Symbolics.*

The purpose of civilization is to insulate us from reality.*

One is less inclined to regard most people as stupid if one realizes that our idea of man as a superior animal is only aspirational.*

"The world only needs three computers"

*Original with me.
**Modifications of well-known sayings.

EasyChair swschallenge / NingLogic / logic / ICManCen / ICedboardgoogle/ Service-mail / Burning Man / SWSCBook   / AutoUni  / ME310  / obsolete