Toshiba Design Documentation Example

With Embedded Redux Tags- This is a scenario is designed by Toshiki Mori, strongly modified by Charles Petrie in order to reduce the complexity of user tagging. In the demo, this text wil be created with PENS. Neeraj Shodhan is writing the parser that will convert these tags into a running Redux script.

The Tags/Icons used are:

Each of the headers below marks a seperate PENS posting by one of the individuals involved in the joint design. They write the words and then annotate it with tags. Eventually there should be icon/click/drag tool to facillitate this tagging.

As each posting is published, the parser creates a small script, which is then fed to Redux. Redux reacts to the changes by sending messages to the authors, who may then make further changes.

This scenario is intended to show how the Redux decision dependency management would be useful for distributed conceptual design, even if there is minimal subgoaling.

In each of the following, the parser should pickup the agent name from the author of the document.

Top Level PUH Design

By the Product Manager

Overall task: Design the Pick-Up Head - PUH - must design mirror optics, design the integrated optics, design the actuator, and design a base.

The mirror design is to be done by the external optics designer, the integrated optics by the electonic optics designer, and there is of course an actuator designer and a base designer.

There are several design constraints that will need to be formalized later. But over all, the total weight may not exceed 17.0 g and the total cost is not more than $34.00.

Mirror Design - first

By the External Optics Manager

Working on : design mirror optics

I am going to choose parts lists, choose mirror layout, and an choose objective lens.

Mirror Design - second

By the External Optics Manager

Working on : choose mirror layout

I can think of five (5) different layouts. The first three are compatible with an Integrated Optical Unit (IOU) and the last two with Discrete Optical Unit (DOU). I don't know which one the integration optics designer (IOD) wants.

I can formalize these constraints later with a Constraint Manger. Since each has a different number of mirrors, and I know the cost and weight of each mirror is always the same, I can formalize this later with a Constraint Manger also.

I also have a choice of two (2) ojective lenses, each with a different weight and cost.

OK, not knowing what anyone else has done, I will choose layout2 - 1 mirror with a cost of $1.00 and a weight of 1.0g.

Mirror Design - third

By the External Optics Manager

Working on : choose objective lens.

And my first choice for an objective lens has a weight of 1.0g and a cost of $10.00.

Mirror Design - fourth

By the External Optics Manager

Working on : choose parts lists

I am assuming the IOD will choose an IOU and I will pick a parts list that is compatable with an IOU.

Inventory Control

By Inventory Control

Just want to note that IOU-2 is unavailable.

Integrated Optics Design - first

By the Integrated Optics Manager

Working on : design the integrated optics

My first choice is an IOU-2. This has a cost of $5.00 and a weight of 2.0g. Of course, this is contingent on it's being available. If IOU-2 is unavailable, we can't do this.

Integrated Optics Design - second

By the Integrated Optics Manager

Working on : design the integrated optics

Sure enough, Redux let me know that inventory had already said it was unavailable and I can't do this. OK. My second choice is an IOU-1. This has a cost of $15.00 and a weight of 1.0g. Of course, this is contingent on it's being available. If IOU-1 is unavailable, we can't do this either.

Just want to note I'm only doing this because IOU-2 wasn't available.

Acutator Design

By the Actuator Designer

Working on : design the actuator

I have produced a design with several components. But my most important choice was to use a bobbin with a cost of $4.00 and a weight of 4.0g.

Base Design

By the Base Designer

Working on : design a base

PUH base: cost of $4.00 and a weight of 10g. I have waited for the IOD to decide, so I can use his decision as an input. IOU-1. This has a cost of $15.00 and a weight of 1.0g.

Conflict One

By the Product Manager

The total cost is too much. Everyone's choice is involved. Someone must change. ("objective lens has a weight of 1.0g and a cost of $10.00." "IOU-1. This has a cost of $15.00 and a weight of 1.0g." "PUH base: cost of $4.00 and a weight of 10g." "parts list that is compatable with an IOU." "a bobbin with a cost of $4.00 and a weight of 4.0g." "1 mirror with a cost of $1.00 and a weight of 1.0g.") Total Cost

Redesign Optics

By the Integrated Optics Manager

OK, obviously an IOU is too expensive for this. I got rid of the IOU-1 with the direct i/f. Now we still need to design the integrated optics.

Working on : design the integrated optics

I'll go with the discrete component aproach. DOU cost will be $5.00 and the weight 5.0g. But now the base designer will also have to develop a frame for discrete optics over and above his base design.

DOU vs Parts List

By the Product Manager

The DOU and the parts list don't match. ("DOU cost will be $5.00 and the weight 5.0g." "parts list that is compatable with an IOU.") DOU Parts

I notice that no explict constraint is necessary for the Base-Designer as the IOU-1 was an input.

Conflict Note

By the Integrated Optics Manager

I tried using the Redux applet i/f to resolve the new conflict by changing the parts list. But Redux wouldn't let me - said only the Mirror-Designer could do that.

Mirror Parts ReDesign

By the External Optics Manager

Working on : choose parts lists

Coming back to this. Had to resolve the constraint violation. SO, now I'll choose a parts list compatible with the DOU.

Mirror Layout Parts Conflict

By the External Optics Manager

OK, now the layout doesn't work anymore. ("parts list compatible with the DOU." "1 mirror with a cost of $1.00 and a weight of 1.0g.") Parts Layout

Mirror Layout ReDesign

By the External Optics Manager

Working on : choose mirror layout

OK - will go with my fifth layout: same cost and weight. Good that I didn't have to change my objective lens.

Base ReDesign

By the Base Designer

Working on : design a base

When the IOU-1 went away, Redux sent me a message saying my base design was invalid. Now, for a new Base-2: cost of $6.00 and a weight of 15g.

Frame Design

By the Base Designer

Working on : develop a frame for discrete optics

When the IOD went to a DOU, I had to also create a frame. D-frame: cost of $1.00 and a weight of .5g

Total Weight Constraint Change

By the Product Manager

OK, I can see by looking at the currently valid parts - the Redux "valid assignments" function - that I'm within 30g. But I think we can go lighter. Forcing it with this. ("Base-2: cost of $6.00 and a weight of 15g." "fifth layout: same cost and weight." "parts list compatible with the DOU." "DOU cost will be $5.00 and the weight 5.0g." "a bobbin with a cost of $4.00 and a weight of 4.0g." "objective lens has a weight of 1.0g and a cost of $10.00.") Light Weight

Base Re-ReDesign

By the Base Designer

OK - I didn't like Base 2 so I used the Redux i/f to resolve the new constraint. But then Redux wouldn't let me go back to the first base. That still conflicts with the DOU. I must speak with the IOD and the Project Manager.

Need for an IOU

By the Product Manager

I have determined by looking at the Redux i/f that we are using an IOU-1 that is more expensive and heavy than an IOU-2 - but this is unavailable.

Inventory Control

By Inventory Control

The Project Manager has said it is urgent to get an IOU-2 supply. It is no longer true that IOU-2 is unavailable.

Integrated Optics Design - First Choice

By the Integrated Optics Manager

Got a notice from Redux that I can use the IOU-2.

Used the Redux i/f to exchange the DOU for IOU-2. All is well.

Mirror Revision

By the External Optics Manager

Got a note from Redux about the parts lists. Said the current one is no longer best because it was chosen only because the IOU parts list had to be rejected. But that the DOU has now been rejected. So I used the Redux i/f to exchange the decisions.

And, of course as soon as I did that, it suggested I might want to go from my fifth layout to my first one, for the same reason. I did.

Base for IOU-2

By the Base Designer

Working on : design a base

So now I see from my notices that I still need a base. So IOU-2 base: cost of $3.00 and a weight of 8g. And I'll note that I'm dependent on this for future reference. IOU-2. This has a cost of $5.00 and a weight of 2.0g.

No Frame needed

By the Base Designer

Another Redux message pointed out that I've designed a frame for the DOU but it is no longer needed. So I removed it as part of the design.

The Current Design

By the Product Manager

Here are the parts listed by Redux as being currently valid: All VALID Assignments:
A-13: IOU-2 base: cost of $3.00 and a weight of 8g.
A-6: a bobbin with a cost of $4.00 and a weight of 4.0g.
A-4: IOU-2. This has a cost of $5.00 and a weight of 2.0g.
A-3: parts list that is compatable with an IOU.
A-2: objective lens has a weight of 1.0g and a cost of $10.00.
A-1: 1 mirror with a cost of $1.00 and a weight of 1.0g.


The script that Neeraj's parser produces when processing this HTML generates the right Redux output. A forms-based scenario can be seen at - this uses a running Redux agent. It starts with part of the script and then the user can use the forms to continue the rest of the script manually. Since the forms interface does not permit the Redux messages sent to various agents to be seen, often an empty message results. In order to see a change, try "all-decisions" or "why-optimal" on a particular decision, or even "all-goals" and "why-satisfied" on "G-1".