25 January 2010

The Easiest Way to Reform Health Insurance

By now, you have read with interest that the US supreme court has effectively ruled that corporations are sufficiently like real people that they have the same rights to support political candidates as do real people. Who knew? But we know what this means.

Fortunately, this could have a benefit for the US health care issue.

Look, corporations already control congress more than individuals (especially since most of us don't bother to vote.) Now there's no hiding it. So why don't we just allow our Representatives and Senators to just say which corporations they represent? Heck, let them tattoo corporate logos on their heads.

Let's let them hawk corporate t-shirts. Even do advertisements for their corporations, and let the corporations pay them for these services directly. Good news: we don't need lobbyists anymore! Much more efficient.

In fact, let those corporations pay their salaries. Why should we taxpayers be paying their salaries when actually they work for the corporations. More good news: we get rid of the need for campaign reform and corruption laws. Let's just make this clean and elegant.

Once that's done, we can solve health care. Require everyone in congress to renounce their federal health care. Instead, they have to get their health care from the corporations by which they are really employed. Now they get the same health care options the rest of us do. We would definitely get health care reform then.

But why wait? Why don't we all just demand that our Representatives and Senators renounce congressional health care? We just don't vote for anyone who won't!

This can be a bi-partisan movement. We can all agree that Representatives and Senators should buy their health care insurance on the open market instead of getting a special deal from our tax dollars. And their families. We can insist on this. It's easy to participate in this movement. Just don't vote for anyone who doesn't renounce the congressional health insurance benefits. This may mean that you don't vote for anyone. Well, that require no change of action for many of you. How easy is this?

Republicans will go along on this on principle, right?

PS: I've been trumped: a corporation is now running for Congress and has published a campaign ad.

Weird Views ©Charles Petrie 2010