Previous Trip


Germany is 9 hours ahead of California: the time is MEZ.

Contact information is for emergency use: nur für Notfall.


FRI 12 Jan
10:11 Caltrain San Antonio
10:29 Santa Clara
10:30 VTA 10
10:43 SJC Term A
12:10 AA 1820
18:35 CDT ORD
19:30 AA 84

SAT 13 Jan
11:10 MST FRA
12:42 Fern 5 ICE 578
15:17 Gleis 8 Hannover
15:31 Gleis 9 ICE 549/559
17:08 Gleis 12 Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Humbolt University Guesthouse
13 Ziegelstrasse
10117 Berlin
+49 30 2093 1303
Contact: Office Phone - +49 30 2093 1186

MON 15 Jan
10:45-18:15 Knowledge Web and
Semantic Technology Institutes International (STI2) meeting
Hotel Sylter Hof, Kurfürstenstr. 114 - 116
20:00 Aigner am Gendarmenmarkt, Französiche Straße 25

TUE 16 Jan
1st ExpertFinder Workshop, 2007 (also see
Hotel Sylter Hof

WED 17 Jan
13:00 Giving a talk at Humbolt U.
16:00 Meeting with Robert Tolksdorf and Malgorzata Mochol at the FU.

THU 18 Jan
13:00 Meeting Tiziana Margaria at U. Potsdam

SAT 20 Jan
09:37 Gleis 13 ICE 597
13:44 Gleis 9 Frankfurt(Main) Hbf
14:06 Gleis 10 RB 15459
14:25 Gleis 10 Darmstadt Hbf

Michael Verst <>
Sonderstr. 114 Darmstadt
+ 49 6151 710392

SUN 21 Jan
14:10 AA 83 FRA
17:00 CDT DFW
18:55 AA 827
21:45 PDT SJC

AA 800 843 3000
Next Trip
