MSCS Program Sheet

MSCS Program Sheet (2002-03)
Artificial Intelligence Specialization

Name: Adviser: Date:
Student ID #: Email: Proposed date for
degree conferral:
HCP? Coterm?

General instructions Before the end of your first quarter, you should complete the following steps (detailed instructions are included in the Guide to the MSCS Program Sheet in your orientation packet):

Breadth requirementYou must satisfy the requirements listed in each of the following areas; all courses taken elsewhere must be approved by your adviser.
Note: If you are amending an old program sheet, you may have courses that have already been approved. Please indicate this by selecting "on file" under "approval" for those courses.
Area A: Mathematical and theoretical foundations
 Required:  Equivalent elsewhere (course number/title/institution)  Approval  Grade  Units
 Automata and Complexity
 Algorithmic Analysis
 Choose one of:
 Numerical Analysis
 Mathematical Methods

Area B: Computer systems
 Required:  Equivalent elsewhere (course number/title/institution)  Approval  Grade  Units
 Computer Architecture
 Choose two of:
 Operating Systems
 Computer Networks

Area C: AI and applications
 Required:  Equivalent elsewhere (course number/title/institution)  Approval  Grade  Units
 Artificial Intelligence
 Choose one of:
total units used to satisfy breadth requirement (areas a, b, and c):
Note: This total may not exceed 21 units.

Seminars You must take at least one 500-level seminar. No more than three units of seminars or 1-2 unit courses may be counted towards the MS degree:
Course number  Title Grade Units
total seminar units applied to mscs:

Depth units for the artifical intelligence specialization The courses you submit for your specialization must meet the following requirements:
(a) At least four of the following courses:
  CS 222 CS 224M CS 228
  CS 223A CS 224N CS 229
  CS 223B CS 227 CS 326A

(b) A total of 21 units from category (a) and the following courses. Courses with * notation require approval of MS advisor:
  CS 205 CS 276B EE 263 Man Sci 352
  CS 206 CS 277 EE 376A Man Sci 353
  CS 225A CS 323 Eng 205 Phil 160B
  CS 225B CS 327A Eng 209A Phil 169
  CS 226 CS 328 Ling 235 Phil 298
  CS 246 CS 329 Ling 238 Psych 202
  CS 256 CS 354 Ling 239A Psych 203
  CS 257 CS 374 Man Sci 251 Psych 205
  CS 262 CS 377* Man Sci 252 Stat 202
  CS 270 CS 379* Man Sci 339 Stat 315A
  CS 274 CS 426 Man Sci 351 Stat 315B
  CS 276A Econ 286

Course information for Depth Units:
Course number  Title Grade Units
total specialization units applied to mscs:

Electives List here any additional courses used to complete the 45-unit requirement for the MSCS degree.
Course number  Title Grade Units
total elective units applied to mscs:

total units applied to mscs:
Submit Form
Additional requirements All courses submitted for the MSCS degree must be numbered 100 or greater.
At most 21 units of introductory courses (CS100-109) or breadth requirements courses may be counted toward your 45 units.
At least 36 units submitted for the MSCS degree, including all courses taken for your specialization, must be taken for a letter grade.
The average grade in the courses submitted for the MSCS must be at least a B (3.0 in Stanford's GPA scale).
Units previously applied toward BS requirements may not also be counted toward the MSCS.
You must complete at least 45 graduate units at Stanford before receiving the MSCS degree.

@copy 2007 Charles Petrie - permission to reproduce widely with attribution