Final "Take-away"
Our goal is dynamic re-use of business functions.
Something more than WSDL is needed because
the representation is inadequate.
You cannot find a service by looking for a genric
action: i.e., booking a flight or renting a car.Much less automatically compose services.
Some of this can be fixed with existing WSDL!
Simply make specifying input/ouput part name types
with the associated XML schema part of a new
WSDL specification.
Additional information needs to be specified
in order
to get real Business Services: preconditions; actions;
and payment, authentication (AAA), and cancelation methods.
+ Service Level information/agreement +
trust/certification information
about services (may spawn cottage industry).
There needs to be a WSDL++: BSDL.
Something more than UDDI is needed even with BSDL.
Today's UDDDI makes it the responsibility of each searcher
to do distributed search on the WSDL. This is like requiring
each business to build its own search engine.
A replacement for UDDI has got to be really vendor-neutral.
We can start just by making a easy-to-use
UDDI extension: UDR (UddiDoneRight)