A Simple WS Planning example
of Situational Calculus
for simple Web Service
dynamic integration
You know the circle circumference and need the
No one web service operation takes Circumference as an input
part name and has Radius as an output part name.
- Find a web service that outputs radius as
an input part name and has ?something as an input.
- Or from the set of known functions: prove
Yields( Radius, ?something)
- Find a web service that yields ?something
from the Circumference.
- Or find web services that yields
?something-else from the Circumference and that yields
?something from ?something-else.
- Or some combination of these strategies.
That is, develop a plan for calling web services that has
the effect of taking what is known and returning what
is desired.
Static process descriptions can't do
© 2005 Charles Petrie