A Simple Algorithm
Given Goal G: (fluent {(propi=vali)}) in state Sf,
Choose a Service WS
with effect, or output, EO
such that G unifies with
Respect preferences.
If no such service can be found, fail.
Propagate the bound variable values to the properties of the outputs, inputs, and
preconditions of WS if possible. If one will not
unify, fail.
Mark the effects and outputs as being true in state Sf
and the inputs and preconditions as being true in state Si,
and that (Subsequent Si Sf).
Achieve each input I by recursing with
("know" (I=?value)), perhaps with ?value bound, as a goal condition in
this procedure, or, preferably, proving that the/some input is
already known to be true in this state.
Achieve the precondition(s) by recursing with it as a goal in
this procedure, or, preferably, by proving that it is already known to be
true in this state.
Match on inputs/ouputs before trying to achieve preconditions so that
their properties are constrained as much as possible in the
precondition goals.
If successful, add to the plan the decision to call service
WS in state Sf and add in the
instatiated effects in that state.
If a constraint is violated,
Charles Petrie