Based on a 1999 Talk:
Future of the Internet:
A 20th Century View
So, how has the future changed in 2 years?
This earlier talk is at:
See also
Hobbes Internet Timeline v5.2
1994 3.8M Hosts
- ARPANET is 25 years old
- Cities and governments go online
- Banks, radio stations, and pizza online
- WWW suprasses Telnet, but still less than FTP
- 23 country domains
- people are typing ""
- first spamming - by a law firm
1995 8.2M Hosts
- WWW surpasses FTP
- AOL, others, startup
- Internet goes commercial, domains cost money
- Search engines, Java, virtual realities
1996 16.7M Hosts
Browser wars, government restrictions
1997 26.1M Hosts Push, Multicasting, Network Solutions error
1998 36.7M Hosts E-postal stamps, open source, e-commerce
1999 56.2M Hosts Saudi Arabia online, net-cell phones, Melissa virus
2000 93.0M Hosts Y2K, Napster, Love Letter virus