FX-Agents Papers Archive

Emerging Business Standards

W3C-sponsored XML-based SOAP lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. I
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1
W3C-sponsored XML-based format for describing network services as a setof endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.
Web Services Flow Language (WSFL 1.0)
IBM-sponsored XML-based language for the description of Web Services compositions.
Sun-sponsored open source programming platform for peer-to-peer distributed services.
ebXML Business Process Spcification Schema 1.01
Consortia including Lucent, Sun, Telcordia - sponsored framework by which business systems may be configured to support execution of business collaborations consisting of business transactions, based upon prior UN/VEFACT work.
Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) 0.4
The BPMInitiative has been created to develop, publish, maintain, and promote a common meta-language (BPML) enabling all participants involved in the process design, deployment, execution, maintenance, and optimization to manage business activities in a process-oriented fashion, while presenving the integrety of end-to-end business processes over their entire lifecycle.
XLANG Draft 1   (MS doc format)
Microsoft-sponsored language to describe systems of autonomous interacting agents using UML interaction diagrams.
WC3-sponsored XML translation language.

Research Papers

Paper Using Milos for Dependency Mangement in UML-based SE Processes: managing development of e-Business applications with UML and Milos.
Agents - Financial Transactions
Paper: An Agent-Based Framework for Financial Transactions: Automation of B2B and B2C with agents.
Project Negotiation
Paper: Approaching Support for Internet-based Negotiation on Software Projects: virtual marketplace supporting contract negotiations.
CACM Volume 44 , No. 6
Financial Applications is them issue.

Interoperable Workflow

XML-based workflow Interoperability form U. of Muenster
Engineering Matrix
Interoperable workflow for contracting procurement.
Workflow PDM
See also: 26th Century,

Agent Platforms

Agent tool developed by AFIT(Air Force Institute of Technology).

Last modified: Thu Jan 17 12:15:04 PST 2002