15 Nov Spent the night in Tachikawa where I had a another bad runin with a high-end sushi place serving live fish. Don't ask if you don't have a very strong stomach.
16 Nov In the morning, I had a good meeting with Fujitsu and also lunch in the executive dinning room with a distant view of Tokyo. In the evening, I hooked up with my friend Niki and we had dinner with Hugo and Yuko. Late that evening, Niki and I did kereoke with her friends in her bar.
17 Nov The next day I went shopping in Electric City but didn't see anything I wanted. Went down to Harajuku to do my email in a hotspot and saw these boys doing a subtle street performance. That evening, I met Niki an dbought tickets for Kubuki theater. We had beers, where she showed me a cool trick with a 1000 Yen note, and then went to the performance. I had the advantage of an english translation. Afterwards, we went to a fancy dinner, seing the Seiko clock rise for marionettes at 9pm. On the 18th, I had to sadly return again to real life back in the US.