Our Informal Definition of Service
A Service has a provider (or server) role and at least one consumer
(or client) role where provider
and consumer mean instantiations of these roles in the
following specification:
- the service has a request signal, possibly containing some
inputs, that should be made to a provider by a consumer,
- there is a way for the two parties (or agents) to have
at least an implicit agreement prior to performance of the service,
- the agreement is that a provider, upon receipt of the request,
performs or causes to be performed an action
- that changes the condition (or state) of
- something or someone designated by the consumer in the customer's
This definition is intended to cover people-to-people (P2P) services,
normal business services, and all CIT-mediated services, such
as Amazon's Mechanical Turk, and all CIT-based services, such
as Cloud Services and Web Services.
Charles Petrie - permission to reproduce widely with attribution.