BPEL Constructs

ProcessTop level message sequence chart
PartnersThe actors in the scenarios
Containersspecify variables for message data
Correlationsetsdependencies between messages
Flowconcurrent message transitions
Assignmessages that require data storage
Switchtest and branch conditions
Sequencesequential execution of activities
Whilescenario iterations
Receivemessages input from services
Replymessages sent back to services
<process name="marketplace"
      targetNamespace = "urn:MPService"
     <flow name="MarketplaceAgree">
     <receive partner="seller"
      <receive partner="buyer"
Overview of model checking of BPELS @
Model-based Verification of Web Service Compositions
Howard Foster, Sebastian Uchitel,
Jeff Magee, Jeff Kramer
Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK, 2002.

©2012 Charles Petrie - permission to reproduce widely with attribution.