The 18 th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
May 26 (Tuesday) - May 29 (Friday)
Mercure Hotel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
In Cooperation with IPSJ
Shortcuts: May 26 (Tuesday) - May 27 (Wednesday) - May 28 (Thursday) - May 29 (Friday)
May 26, 1998, Tuesday
- 8:00 Registration
- 9:00 ***
- 12:30 Lunch
- 14:00 ***
- 15:30 Coffee Break
- 16:00 ***
Technical Sessions May 27 (Wednesday) - May 29 (Friday)
- May 27, 1998, Wednesday
- 8:00 Registration
- 9:00-9:30 Opening
- 9:30-10:30 Keynote: ***
- Chair: Ming T. (Mike) Liu, Ohio State Univ.
- 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 1A: Distributed Object Systems
- Chair:***
- Performance Comparison of Architectures for Client-Server Interactions
in CORBA, Abdul-Fatah
- Coordinated Exception Handling in Distributed Object Systems:
From Model to System
- Implementation, Xu, Romanovski, and Randell
- Flexible Protocol Composition in BAST, Garbinato and Guerraoui
- 1B: Real-Time Communications
- Chair:***
- A Statistical Method for Time Synchronization of Computer Clocks
with Precisely Frequency-Synchronized Oscillators, Yamashita and
- Group Communication Protocol for Realtime Applications, Tachikawa,
Higaki, and Takizawa
- Real-Time Primary-Backup (RTPB) Replication with Temporal Consistency
Guarantees, Zou and Jahanian
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 2A: Retrieval and Caching of Distributed Information
- Chair:***
- Distributed Virtual Malls on the World Wide Web, Iyengar and Dias
- Methodologies for Distributed Information Retrieval, De Kretser,
Moffat, Shimmin, and Zobel
- Self-Organizing Cooperative WWW Caching, Inohara, Masuoka, Min,
and Noda
- 2B: Distributed Algorithms and Verification
- Chair:***
- An Adaptive Protocol for Implementing Causally Consistent Distributed
Services, Ahamad, Raynal, and Thia-Kime
- Addressing False Causality while Detecting Predicates in Distributed
Programs, Tarafdar and Garg
- Self-Stabilization with Global Rooted Synchronizers, Alima, Beauquier,
and Datta
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 3A: Communication Protocols
- Chair: Wen-Shyen Eric Chen, National Chung-Hsing University
- Efficient Ordered Broadcasting in Reliable CSMA/CD Networks, Jalote
- A Protocol for Removing Communication Intrusion in Monitored Distributed
Systems, Wu, Spezialetti, and Gupta
- On Improving Reachability Analysis for Verifying Progress Properties
for Networks of CFSMs, vd Schoot and Ural
- Signaling Adaptor between Distributed Systems and Telecommunication
Networks, Lin
- 3B: Distributed Data Replication and Sharing
- Chair:***
- Using Broadcast Primitives in Replicated Databases, Stanoi, Agrawal,
and El Abbadi
- A Suite of Database Replication Protocols based on Group Communication
Primitives, Kemme and Alonso
- Update Propagation Strategies to Improve Data Freshness in Lazy Master Schemes, Pacitti, Simon and Melo
- Reflective Data Sharing in Managing Internet Databases, Bouguettaya,
Benatallah and Edmond
18:30- Reception
May 28, 1998, Thursday
9:00-10:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 4A: Collaborative Applications 1
- Chair:****
- System Support for Partition-Aware Network Applications, Babao Lu, Davoli, Montresor and Segala
- Quarterware for Middleware, Singhai, Sane, and Campbell
- The Accelerated Heartbeat Protocols, Gouda and McGuire
- 4B: Performance Issues
- Chair:***
- Dynamic Load Distribution Using Anti-Tasks and Load State Vectors,
Lau, Lu and Leung
- LBF: A Performance Metric for Program Reorganization, Eom and
- Granularity Control for Distributed Execution of Logic Programs,
George Xirogiannis
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Concurrent Sessions
- 5A: RPCs and Remote Message Passing
- Chair:***
- Fast, Optimized Sun RPC Using Automatic Program Specialization,
Muller, Marlet, Volanschi, and Consel
- Structuring Remote Object Systems for Mobile Hosts with Intermittent
Connectivity, Welling, and Ott
- A Multithreaded Message-Passing System for High Performance Distributed
Computing Applications, Park, Lee, and Hariri
- Timestamps for Programs Using Messages and Shared Variables, Bechini
and Tai
- 5B: Consistency and Load Balancing For Web Applications
- Chair:***
- A Framework for Consistent, Replicated Web Objects, Kermarrec,
Kuz, van Steen, and Tanenbaum
- Using Leases to Support Server-Driven Consistency in Large-Scale
Systems, Yin, Alvisi, Dahlin, and Lin
- Dynamic Load Balancing in Geographically Distributed Heterogeneous
Web Servers, Colajanni, Yu, and Cardellini
- A Bandwidth Sensitive Update Scheduling Method for Internet Push,
Huang and Yu
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 6A: Web-Based Commerce
- Chair:***
- Trust Metrics, Models and Protocols for Electronic Commerce Transactions,
Daniel W. Manchala
- A Mechanism for Establishing Policies for Electronic Commerce,
Minsky and Ungureanu
- Decentralized Micropayment Consolidation, Chomicki, Naqvi, Pucci,
and Underwood
- 6B: Real-Time Synchronization and Protocols
- Chair:***
- HADES: A Middleware Support for Distributed Safety-Critical Real-Time
Applications, Anceaume, Cabillic, Chevochot, and Puaut
- A Scalable Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Distributed Systems,
Atif and Hamidzadeh
- A Protocol and Correctness Proofs for Real-Time High-Performance
Broadcast Networks, Hermant and Le Lann
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 7A: Collaborative Applications 2
- Chair:***
- CCFX/CCSM: A Distributed X-Multiplexor, Krantz, Chodrow, Hirsch,
Sult and Sunderarm
- Cliques: A New Approach to Group Key Agreement, Steiner and Tsudik
- Flexible Batching and Consistency Mechanisms for Building Interactive
Groupware Applications, Bhola, Mukherjee et al.
- 7B: Security, Composability, and Failure Detection
- Chair:***
- Experience with Secure Multi-Processing in Java, Balfanz and Gong
- A Framework for Dependability-Driven Software Integration, Suri,
Ghosh, and Marlowe
- Distributed Predicate Detection in a Faulty Environment, Mitchell
and Garg
19:00- Banquet
May 29, 1998, Friday
8:30- Registration
- 9:00-10:00 Keynote: ****
- Chair: Tse-Yun Feng, Pen State Univ.
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 8A: Fault Tolerant Systems
- Chair:***
- Fault-Tolerant Adaptive and Minimal Routing in Mesh-Connected
Multicomputers Using Extended Safety, Levels, J. Wu
- Detectors and Coectors: A Theory of Fault-Tolerance Components,
A. Arora and S. Kulkarni
- A Delay-Optimal Quorum-Based Mutual Exclusion Scheme with Fault-Tolerance
Capability, Cao and Singhal
- Low-Overhead Protocols for Fault-Tolerant File-Sharing, Alvisi,
Rao and Vin
- 8B: Mobile and Wireless Systems
- Chair: Alexander Schill, TU Dresden
- Low-Cost Checkpointing with Mutable Checkpoints in Mobile Computing
Systems, Cao and Singhal
- A Feedback based Scheme for Improving TCP Performance in Ad-Hoc
Wireless Networks, Chandran, Raghunathan et al.
- Optimal Channel Allocation for Data Dissemination in Mobile Computing
Environments, And Hu, D. L. Lee , W.C. Lee
- NFS/M: An Open Platform Mobile File System, Lui, So, and Tam
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Concurrent Sessions
- 9A: Wide-Area Network Computing
- Chair:***
- Adapting to Bandwidth Variations in Wide-Area Data Combination,
Ranganathan, Acharya and Saltz
- Wide-Area Nile: A Case Study of a Wide-Area Data-Parallel Application,
Amoroso, Marzullo, and Ricciardi
- Improved Lightpath (Wavelength) Routing in Large WDM Networks,
Liang and Shen
- 9B: Workflow Systems and Transactions
- Chair:***
- Flexible Exception Handling in OPERA, Hagen and Alonso
- A Language for Specifying the Composition of Reliable Distributed
Applications, Ranno, Shrivastava, and Wheater
- Lightweight Transactions on Networks of Workstations, Papathanasiou
and Markatos
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Concurrent Sessions
- 10A: Distributed Shared Memory
- Chair:***
- Robust State Sharing for Wide Area Distributed Applications, Topol,
Ahamed, and Stasko
- Building Clustered Services and Applications Using a Global Memory
System, Carter, Ranganathan et al.
- Towards Transparent Selective Sequencial Consistency in Distributed
Shared Memory Systems, Sun, Huang, Lei, and Sattar
- Consistency Conditions for Multi-Object Distributed Operations,
Mittal and Garg
- 10B: Agent Systems and Market-Based Computing
- Chair:***
- Globally Distributed Computation over the Internet - The POPCORN
Project, Nisan, London, Regev, and Carniel
- Competitive Sourcing for Internet Commerce, Ketchpel and Garcia-Molina
- Some Economics of Market-based Distributed Scheduling, Walsh,
Wellman, Wurman, and MacKie-Mason
- Agents Negotiating for Load Balancing of Electricity Use, Brazier,
Cornelissen, Gustavvson et al.
18:00- Closing
Shortcuts: May 26 (Tuesday) - May 27 (Wednesday) - May 28 (Thursday) - May 29 (Friday)