Laboratory projects

Projects 1-3:

The first three laboratory projects are fairly structured. They will allow you to put some of what you learned in CS223 to practice (e.g., working with transformations) and will teach you something about using computer vision. Mostly, they will give you an appreciation for what goes into creating a robust application. It's one thing to read about robotics, and another to do it! If you are good at structured programming in C or Pascal you will not find these projects hard (but as with any programming assignments, debugging takes longer than it probably should).

Each of the short projects builds on skills from the previous one. They have been designed so that they can be done on either the Adept or Robot World. We therefore encourage you to try project 1 on one robot and switch to the other for projects 2 and 3, so that you get an appreciation for their different languages, philosophy and behaviors.

Project grades will be based primarily on a demonstration of your project in the lab, during which you will answer questions about it. I will also ask for a copy of your program by electronic mail. I will make comments on the programs whenever something catches my eye (e.g., a suggestion for how to do something more efficiently).

Project 4:

The fourth projects are open-ended. I have selected several projects that lead into R&D topics of current interest to me and others in industry and academia. Be forewarned that they may involve a bit of hardware or fixture construction. We do not have a staff machinist or lab technician. As in project 3, you will probably want to divide the subtasks among team members.

The grade for the fourth project will be based on the results of a presentation in which I will ask you to demonstrate your project and answer questions about it, and on a brief report (to be turned in at the end of the final week of classes) which outlines your approach and findings and gives an overview of your software. In all cases, I will be looking for robust, fault-tolerant software.

Options for the fourth project are as follows: