Design Projects Database

The Remote Explorer

money money money clock clock

Project Description

Students work in teams of 3 to create a vehicle which will transport materials between team members, as well as go from each team member to a wall, where it will pick up an object and return it to the sending team member. Other rules:

There are 12 steps the vehicle must perform. They may be done in any order. Click here for the 12 steps and suggested grading criteria.

Encourage students to think creatively and use time wisely. Students should be given 1 to 3 weeks to work on this project.


Instructor Time

Most of the advance instructor time in this assignment will come from helping students with their vehicles. The day vehicles are due, mark the presentation space on the floor with tape before the students come in. In a large class, presentations may take a long time, and there may need to be more than one presentation space to allow multiple groups to go at once.


This project is appropriate for the following variations (most are described in the section how to make design projects more meaningful):

Project Source

Discover"E" National Engineers Week, February 20-26, 1994.

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