Some Possible Beam Shapes

Original I-Beam
This is a three strip I-beam with just a top flange, bottom flange, and web.
Single Reinforced I-Beams
This is a four strip I-beam with a reinforced top flange.
This is a four strip I-beam with a reinforced web.
This is a four strip I-beam with a reinforced bottom flange.
Other Shapes
This beam has end supports to help prevent roll-over when the top flange is pulled towards the bottom flange by the load.
This design is meant to stiffen the top flange.
Alternate Methods of Supporting the Load
The string is threaded through the top and bottom flanges near the web to prevent deformation and weakening during loading.
This is a similar, threaded design to help prevent excessive deformation in the top porion.

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Project created for Discover"E" National Engineers Week, February 20-26, 1994.