Machining on the HAAS (Do not do this alone. Or without training.)
Plane the wax block
Get a palette and a wax block and bolt them together
Notice black tag on the palette (put one there if there isn't one)
Press foot pedal on HAAS and put palette in, with black tag facing you
and release pedal
Find the plane program on the HAAS (program 1001)
Edit the z height in the program (it's the 2nd z height and it is in millimeters!to
be the height you entered for the substrate thickness
Make sure the tool offset (G55) is what you expect it to be (should be
0 for a 2 inch wax substrate)
Look at the CNC code and make sure tool it loads is the one you want (as
of 9/29/99, you will have to correct the CNC code manually)
Run the program (slowly at first, i.e feed at 50% and rapid at 5%, then
speed up to 100% when height looks good)
Make the first compact
On the computer near the HAAS, open program Haas Downloader (it's on the
Under File menu, choose Open file
For example, choose computer rpl at (virtual drive g:),
open backups, then jgcham, then part directory, and CNC directory
Run compact files (SSG's) in numerical order (1, 2, 3, etc) but the layers
Run Mow files then assuming standard cutter selection, 2D1 then 2D2 files
Not obvious but important to get it right, for example. Basically:
Do geometries in increasing order SSG001, SSG002, SSG003, etc
Do layers in decreasing order SSG001_3, SSG001_2, SSG001_1, etc
I'm not sure what that 3rd number is, it looks like it's always 1...
For a given layer, SSG001, do all the mow files first, then all the 2D1
files, then all the 2D2 files:
SSG001_2_1_0_Mow.cnc then SSG001_1_1_0_Mow.cnc
SSG001_2_1_2D1.cnc then SSG001_1_1_2D1.cnc
SSG001_2_1_2D2.cnc then SSG001_1_1_2D2.cnc
SSG002_2_1_0_Mow.cnc then SSG002_1_1_0_Mow.cnc
SSG002_2_1_2D1.cnc then SSG002_1_1_2D1.cnc
SSG002_2_1_2D2.cnc then SSG002_1_1_2D2.cnc
Be patient - this takes time
Check the tool offset on G55 is zero or you'll break something...
On the HAAS, hit MDI DND twice toggle into DNC mode and have it wait for
information from the computer
On the computer, hit run on the HAAS downloader
Place HAAS in single step mode, move air hoses clear of tool for tool change
Hit green cycle start button to run each command line, do not take it out
of single step until after you move the hoses back and have convinced yourself
the code is running smoothly
Toggle on the coolant if you are creating a lot of chips that need to be
cleared from the tool area
When program is done, hit red reset button
Do this for each program on the HAAS (slowly)