Fast and Robust Legged
Introduction |
Functional Biomimesis |
Robot Design |
Model Analysis |
Conclusions |
Fast, Robust Rough
Terrain Traversal
Why? |
Mine clearing |
Urban Reconnaissance |
Why legs? |
Basic Design Goals |
1.5 body lengths per second |
Hip-height obstacles |
Simple |
Traditional Approaches to
Legged Systems
Statically stable |
Tripod of support |
Slow |
Rough terrain |
Dynamically stable |
No support
requirements |
Fast |
Smooth terrain |
Biological Example
Death-head cockroach Blaberus
discoidalis |
Fast |
Speeds of up to 10 body/s |
Rough terrain |
Can easily traverse fractal terrain of
obstacles 3X hip height |
Stability |
Static and dynamic |
Biomimesis Options
Biological Inspiration
Control heirarchy |
Passive component |
Active component |
Is Passive Enough?
Passive Dynamic Stabilization |
No active stabilization |
Geometry |
Mechanical system properties |
Mass - .27 kg |
Dimensions - 16x10x9 cm |
Leg length - 4.5 cm |
Max. Speed - 39cm/s
2.5 body/sec |
Hip height obstacle traversal |
Compliant hip |
Alternating tripod |
Stable running |
Obstacle traversal |
Mechanical System
Prototype: Empirically tuned properties |
Design for behavior |
“Simple” Model
Body has 3 planar degrees of freedom |
x, z, theta |
mass, inertia |
3 massless legs (per tripod) |
rotating hip joint - damped torsional
spring |
prismatic leg joint - damped linear
spring |
6 parameters per leg |
18 parameters to tune - TOO MANY! |
Simplest Locomotion Model
Body has 2 planar degrees of freedom |
x, z |
mass |
4 massless legs |
freely rotating hip joint |
prismatic leg joint - damped linear
spring |
3 parameters per leg |
6 parameters to tune, assuming symmetry |
Modeling assumptions
Modeling assumptions
Modeling assumptions
Modeling assumptions
Modeling assumptions
Modeling assumptions
Modeling assumptions
Modeling assumptions
Non-linear analysis tools
Discrete non-linear system |
Fixed points |
numerically integrate to find |
exclude horizontal position information |
Non-linear analysis tools
Floquet technique |
Analyze perturbation response |
Digital eigenvalues via linearization -
examine stability |
Use selective perturbations to
construct M matrix |
Non-linear analysis tools
Perturbation Response
Analysis trends
Relationships |
damping vs. speed and
“robustness” |
stiffness, leg angles, leg
lengths, stride period, etc |
Use for design |
select mechanical properties |
select other parameters |
Insight into the mechanism of
locomotion |
Design Example
Locomotion Insight
Body tends towards
equilibrium point |
Parameters and
mechanical properties
determine how |
Summary and Conclusions
Future Work
Extend findings and insights to more
complex models |
Develop easily modeled 4th generation
robot |
Utilize sensor feedback in high level
control |
Examine other behaviors |
Center for Design Research |
Dexterous Manipulation Lab |
Rapid Prototyping Lab |
Mark Cutkosky |
Jorge Cham, Jonathan Clark |