Biomimetic Robots for Robust Operation in Unstructured Environments
Behold Behemoth ... His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron.
Main ideas:
Status (5.15.98)
Building small robot legs with pre-fabricated components is difficult...
Concept design for a biomimetic “Insect-Leg”
Modeling insect locomotion dynamics
Mechanics and muscle activation patterns (R. Full)
Motor control and adaptation
Motor control, adapation model
Shape Deposition Manufacturing(SU/CMU)
SDM allows finished parts to be inserted at any point in the cycle
SDM capabilities
Frogman (CMU)
MicroStructures and Sensors Lab (MSSL)
Embedded SMA actuators
Embedded sensors
PPT Slide
SDM process planning: geometric decomposition for tool access
Decomposition into ‘compacts” and layers
Testing for compactness
Layers produced by automatic decomposer for slider crank mechanism
Layered shape deposition - potential manufacturing problems
Slider crank can be built entirely from two kinds of primitives
Merge algorithm for compacts (Binnard)
Truth tables for Boolean operations on compact lists
Building Designs from Primitives
Building a robot joint from a library of shapes
Design for a prototype pneumatic knee joint built from primitives (M. Binnard)
Comparison with VLSI approach