SHARE DesignNet Page


Share is forming a network directory of computer services that directly support designers and engineers in obtaining information, services, and contacts with other designer and engineers, as well as students. This Directory is a DesignNet service itself. Use it to find information and make contacts in the listed categories.

The MADEFAST project is a unique example that used tools in many of the catagories below.

Directory of Mechatronic Design and Engineering Services

Web Browsing

Electronic Multimedia Documents
MADE and DICE prototypes for authoring and/or retrieving design documents.

Prototype Fabrication
Mechatronic prototype fabrication
as well as document services

Product Catalogs
Parts and products including software

Collaborative Design Tools
Tools that facilitate collaborative design, including distributed, concurrent engineering.

General contact and browsing information and email lists.

Enterprise Integration,
Virutal Companies, and Electronic Commerce.

Virtual Environments
Various projects to design and manipulate virtual objects.

WWW Mechanical Engineering Virtual Library
A good start for general browsing.

Dave Brown's AI in Design Webliography
Recommended reading but seems "out-of-print".

WAIS Searching

Search the complete CDR WWWeb pages with keywords of your choice.

use the MCC EINet Galaxy general search service.
This is especially useful for searches on "manufacturing", "mechanical engineering", etc.

Constructive comments are welcomed.


Charles Petrie