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Sample PENS-Rdx Tagging
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By the Product Manager

Overall task: <Redux:Goal>Design the Pick-Up Head PUH</Redux:Goal> - must <Redux:Subgoal>design mirror optics</Redux:Subgoal>, <Redux:Subgoal>design the integrated optics</Redux:Subgoal>, <Redux:Subgoal>design the actuator</Redux:Subgoal>, and
<Redux:Subgoal>design a base</Redux:Subgoal>.

The mirror design is to be done by the external optics designer, the integrated optics by the electonic optics designer, and there is
of course an actuator designer and a base designer.

There are several design constraints that will need to be formalized later. But over all, the total weight may not exceed 17.0 g and
the <Redux:Assignment>total cost is not more than $34.00.</Redux:Assignment>
