Charles Petrie
Heecheol Jeon
Mark R. Cutkosky
Center for Design Research
Stanford University
560 Panama Street
Stanford, CA 94305-2232
Revised for the AAA'97
Workshop on Constraints and Agents.
A previous version appeared in the
Notes of the
Workshop on Non-Standard Constraint Processing
This work was funded by Navy contract SHARE N00014-92-J-1833 under the US DARPA DSO RaDEO program.
We are exploring one obvious approach:
KQML-based agents. With this technology, one can ``wrap'' legacy tools
(e.g., CAD systems) with software, usually called Application Program
Interfaces (APIs), that allow them to communicate via a common agent
protocol, in this case, KQML[Finin et al. 1992] . We are attempting to define
reusable, generic KQML-agents useful for engineering design. We call
the whole framework of reusable messages and agents
*{ This is documented at on the WWW.}
The core generic agent isRedux'[Petrie 1993] , which assumes a particular model of the design process in which design decisions are to divide an issue or a task into subissues or subtasks, and/or to make statements about the design. Thus we say a decision consists minimally of a goal (the issue or task), and results, consisting of at least one subgoal or at least one assignment (a statement about the design). Constraints may be violated by some set of assignments. Constraint violations are resolved by problem solvers rejecting/changing decisions that resulted in conflicting assignments.
This model is consistent with the generate-and-test model of design. A decision is made, assignments generated, and a test made to see if the assignment is consistent with the set of known active constraints. If not, the user may choose to leave the design inconsistent, or, at any time, may reject one or more of the decisions that led to the inconsistency. One important function ofRedux' is to remember that the rationale for one decision might be the rejection of another, and, in turn, the reasons for the rejection. This detail has been documented elsewhere[Petrie et. al 1995] and is outside the scope of this paper, but the basic functionality is dependency-directed backtracking (DDB)[Stallman and Sussman 1976] .
Generate-and-test with DDB allows for incremental rejection of design decisions, and thus the maintenance of rejection reasons useful for design. But generate-and-test is much less efficient than constraint propagation for many engineering problems. Thus, some constraint solver should be combined withRedux'. A major challenge is to be able to combine DDB with constraint propagation and generate rejection reasons as needed.
Another issue is that there are many different kinds of constraints; e.g., algebraic with continuous domains, symbolic with discrete domains, etc. And there are many different extant constraint satisfaction systems. Our goal, therefore, was to construct a generic Constraint Manager (CM) that would allow different solvers to ``plug and play'', route constraint solving requests to appropriate solvers, and send not only consistency information, but also rejection reasons as needed to requesters. And the messages exchanged between the CM, Redux', solvers, and requesters should be domain-independent.
We also noted that the basic constraint formalism of variables is not sufficiently structured for engineers who want to reason about which type of object to use in an assembly based upon its features and problem requirements. Thus the CM had to not only translate among solvers but also to include a better engineering formalism.
While we have made substantial progress on these last two issues with the CM, they are mentioned only for context as this paper reports only on the fundamental issues of control of problem solving and combining constraint propagation and DDB.
Separating problem solving from constraint propagation allows
more control over problem solving. We extend this notion to say that
there is a general service of consistency management that
includes constraint propagation before decision making and consistency
checking afterwards*.
*{Also included is the matching of
constraint types to constraint solvers and the translation of
constraints and results among them.}
We extend further this decomposition in identifying a separate task of dependency-directed backtracking (DDB) bookkeeping that is especially important for incremental revision by multiple problem solvers with dynamic constraints and domains. In order to determine the incremental effects of changing conditions, more DDB support is required than is provided by strictly constraint-based approaches such as Dechter's dynamic constraints [Dechter and Dechter 1988] or even the backtracking of [Mittal and Falkenhainer 1990] .
The problem solver can not only make choices of values to be assigned to variables, but can also reject these assignments at will. This may occur in response to a constraint violation. DDB support provides the problem solver, upon request, with the AND/OR tree of assignments responsible for the conflict. Given a set of assignments to reject, the reasons for the rejection should be noted in order to 1) avoid thrashing and 2) determine when the rejection is no longer necessary.
This bookkeeping is especially desirable if constraints and variable
domains can change. Part of this task is to determine the effect of
these changes on the current solution and inform the affected
agents. For instance, the deletion of a constraint may mean that a
known conflict is no longer the case and an earlier preferable
solution may be possible[Petrie et. al 1995] . Not only variable
assignment values, constraints, and domains, but also choices about
goal composition may be revised in response to constraint
violations. The DDB bookkeeping must be done in all cases. In
particular, we say that a goal, variable value assignment, constraint,
variable domain definition, or rejection is valid or invalid
depending upon conditions determined by the problem
*{ Validity in the Redux model is analogous to the
classical logical sense of being a valid consequence, usually denoted
by the entailment symbol.}
Consideration of the DDB bookkeeping task suggests more work for the consistency management task. Constraint propagation and DDB are dissimilar constraint satisfaction techniques. The former filters out some inconsistent values prior to a choice. The latter is used when further inconsistencies necessitate rejection of choices. But overconstrained problems are common. In these cases, DDB needs to consider constraints and choice of domains as well as assignments used to filter choices during constraint propagation. Then consistency management must perform some K-consistency algorithm[Freuder 1978] to generate rejection reasons that include these constraints and domains for use by the DDB bookkeeping function.
Constraint Solving Tasks and Agents
Agent technology provides a good structure for separating tasks and making generic functionality easily available. The constraint management task divisions of Section 3 suggest agent responsibilities and interactions. The problem solving is performed by domain-specific agents, DDB bookkeeping byRedux', and consistency management by the Constraint Manager, as illustrated in Figure 1, which also suggest some of the messages that must be passed among such agents.
Definition of the messages to be exchanged and the functional responsibilities of the agents is a major technical challenge. We describe here the overall principles omitting implementation. A full description of the KQML messages that the current implementation exchanges is beyond the scope of this paper and may only be one way of implementing this functionality. The types of messages exchanged between a problem solver andRedux' are covered in [Petrie et. al 1995] . The basic messages from the problem solver to the CM are requests for elimination of variable domain choices via constraint propagation. The CM will return the consistent vs inconsistent choices prior to decision making, using constraint propagation. The CM also performs automatic consistency checking as variable value assignments are made by decisions. The CM remembers consistency requests and replies and will later initiate a message if changes, such as a domain change or an assignment being made, would cause a different response, including an overconstrained condition in which no choices are any longer consistent. * {See and for details.}
For interaction with the CM, we allow variable domain definitions to
be a special case of assignments. Thus, a decision might result
in the assignment
Domain-Definition (section-modulus beam-1)
[3-15], which may be changed later in problem solving.
Addition or relaxation of a constraint, a change in a domain definition, or the addition or invalidity of an assignment may mean that a reply by the CM to an earlier consistency question needs revision.Redux' will always inform the CM of changes in variable domain and constraint definitions or addition/deletion. The CM keeps a record of variable consistency requests and replies for the duration of a project. If the current change involves one of these variables, the CM will recompute consistency and inform the requesting agent if the new consistent domain is different from the old one. The domain-specific agent may in turn decide to revise its design decision, causing further incremental changes to the design state.
A special case involves the ``activation'' of constraints by the CM. If a variable domain definition is removed by the rejection of a decision, and not replaced by a new one, then the variable is not currently important for problem solving. For instance, if there is no valid assignment of a value to the variable (section-modulus.beam-1) and no valid domain definition for this variable, thenRedux' notifies the CM, which omits constraints with this variable from further consistency checking or propagation, even if the constraint is valid.
The problem solver may also request rejection reasons. Suppose that
the CM tells an agent that no values in the domain of a variable are
consistent. The agent would then like to know why. Doing so requires
that theRedux' agent and the CM work together to
generate rejection reasons sufficient for control of problem
solving*. The latter only
identify the ``nogoods'' and allow the search to be recontinued at any
one of the choices responsible for the conflict, without affecting the
others.Redux' additionally tracks the reasons for the
conflict and ensures that the search will not thrash, as noted in
[Petrie et. al 1995] .}*.
*{Redux' actually does more than is what
is commonly referred to as ``dependency-directed backtracking'' in many
systems, such as those analyzed in [Balkany et al. 1993] .}
In the case where all possible variable values are ruled out by
constraint propagation, upon request, the CM will use a K-consistency
algorithm[Freuder 1978] to generate the variable assignments and
domains and constraints that directly caused the
inconsistency*. The CM furnishes this
information to theRedux' agent, which then determines
which decisions by which agents were responsible for these
assignments, domains, and constraints**. Obviously, this is an
expensive computation and is the tradeoff to performing tractable but
fallible constraint propagation.
*{ This idea was first suggested by Juergen
Paulokat in 1995 in work on his dissertation.}
**{ An AND/OR tree of
resolution possibilities is generated since more than one decision can
result in the same variable assignment.}
In 1993, one of us, Petrie, organized a workshop in which researchers
presented papers on how their approaches would relate to a simple
scheduling problem, called ``The Secretaries' Nightmare''* No one paper
solved the whole problem, nor was any expected to do so. However,
some aspects of the problem were particularly problematic and can be
used to illustrate how the CM andRedux' work with
problem solving agents within the Process-Link framework*.
This was the Workshop on Distributed Scheduling at the 1993 IEEE
CAIA. The original CFP, including the full description of the
scheduling problem, and the presented papers are available at
The problem can be summarized as follows:
Constraints: all-day meetings on weekdays in April; first meeting includes Axel, Brigitt, Dirk; second meeting includes Axel, Brigitt, Carl; if these two meetings are not held back-to-back, a third meeting, in between these two, must be held between Carl and Dirk; Carl is not to attend the first meeting.
Preferences: Back-to-back meetings and earlier dates.
Conditions: No central organizer, each person is free to change published availability dates as convenient. As examples, Dirk and Carl can change the third meeting constraint; anyone can propose or reject dates.
Domains: Axel is available in April the week of the 4th, the 18th and 19th, and the 25th and 26th. Brigitt is available the 7th, 8th, 19th, and the week of the 25th. Carl is available on the 7th, 19th and 26th. Dirk is available on the 7th, 8th, 18th, and 25th.
Modeling: Our method does not take into account how agents come
to agree upon variable names, goals, etc. We assume that the agents
propose common variables, domains, and constraints.
Let Axel's meetings be A-M1, A-M2, A-M3, with similar notation
for the others. The constraints are sent toRedux' by
any one of the participant agents in
statements that include a constraint name, expression, and list of
variables. We list the constraints here in the form
C-1: (> Date.M1 Date.M2),
C-2: (= Date.A-M1 Date.B-M1 Date.D-M1 Date.M1),
C-3: (= Date.A-M2 Date.B-M2 Date.C-M2 Date.M2),
C-4: (= Date.C-M3 Date.D-M3 Date.M3),
C-5: (AND (> Date.M2 Date.M3) (> Date.M3 Date.M1))
C-6: (= Date.M2 (+ 1 Date.M1))
Two Possible Initial Decisions
There are various ways the agents could model their
Redux' decisions. One we will use will be to make the
scheduling strategies explicit. So, we say there is a top-level (root)
goal of, say, ``Assign Meeting Dates for M-1 and M-2'', called
Schedule-Meetings. There are two possible decisions to be made,
according to the preferences. One is to schedule back-to-back and the
other is to schedule three meetings. Let us call the first decision
Back-to-Back and the second Three-Meetings. Both
decisions have goal Schedule-Meetings and, as results, subgoals
Choose-M1: Choose Date for M1 and Choose-M2: Choose Date
for M2. However, these decisions differ in that Three-Meetings
posts a third subgoal of Choose-M3: Choose Date for M3. We also
extend the Redux model by allowing a new constraint to depend for its
validity on a decision. In this case, were the decision
Back-to-Back to be made,Redux' would inform the CM of
the constraint C6: (= Date.M2 (+ 1 Date.M1)). The
Three-Meetings decision results in the constraint
C-5: (AND (>
Date.M2 Date.M3) (> Date.M3 Date.M1)) . These two possible decisions
for goal Schedule-Meetings are illustrated in
Figure 2 with goals as ovals and decisions as triangles.
The problem solving scenario can be organized in steps. For each step, we explain how the Process-Link agents would interact. Each of the meeting participants is an agent.
Step 0: Each agent publishes a domain definition;
Domain-Def Date.A-M1 {4,5,6,7,8,18,25,26} and
Date.A-M2 {4,5,6,7,8,18,25,26}.
Issue: Like constraint definitions, domain definitions are first
sent toRedux'. Redux' always forwards
constraint and domain definitions to the CM because these
definitions may depend upon design decisions. Agents make
changes to constraints and domains either directly, or indirectly
through decision revision, andRedux' informs the CM of
such changes.
Step 1: Upon requests by Axel, Bridget, and Dirk, the
CM indicates two consistent solutions for the two meetings: [7, 19]
and [25, 26]. Axel proposes that the earlier preference overrides the
back-to-back meeting preference, makes decision Three-Meetings,
and goes on to make decisions for Choose-M1 and Choose-M2
resulting in the assignments Date.M1 := 7 and Date.M2 :=
19, respectively. Redux' communicates these
assignments to the CM. All the agents have registered an interest in
such assignments, so they are notified as well*.
*{ This is a
Redux' feature called RequestFeature.}
Step 2: The requirement for a third meeting to be scheduled is only now introduced as the goal Choose-M3. The addition of C-5 causes the CM to request domain definitions for Date.M3. Carl and Dirk send these. Immediately, the CM detects that the problem is now overconstrained. The CM determines that the reasons are constraint C-5, the assignments Date.M1 := 7 and Date.M2 := 19, and the domains for Date.C-M3 and Date.D-M3.
Issue: The issue here is the ``activation'' of constraint C-5. In order to simulate backtracking functionality as well as to illustrate control of constraint solving, this constraint should not to be considered initially. We choose to make the constraint depend directly upon the decision Back-to-Back, rather than add conditions to the constraint. This has the advantage that as the Three-Meetings decision is made and rejected, constraint C-5 comes and goes, and is considered by the CM only when appropriate. Constraint C-6 is modeled similarly.
A notice of the conflict is sent byRedux' to all of the participants, as all of their domain definitions are implicated. Axel asksRedux' for the reasons andRedux', based on information from the CM, includes the decision Three-Meetings as one of the causes. Axel responds by changing the decision to Back-to-Back, resulting in deactivation of C-5 and activation of C-6. Variables Date.C-M3 and Date.D-M3 are no longer considered. After making a consistency request to the CM, Axel assigns Date.M1 := 25 and Date.M2 := 26.
Step 3: However, now Dirk objects to the scheduled meeting as being too late and rejects Date.M1 := 25. The CM reports the problem is now overconstrained. All participants are notified as their domain definitions are implicated. Someone must expand their domain.
Issues: The problem solvers are free to reject solutions. If the problem becomes overconstrained, the CM andRedux' can state the reasons, including domain definitions.
Step 4: Brigitt offers to cancel another meeting and be available on the 18th by sending a new domain definition. Redux' notices that the (overconstrained) conflict is potentially resolved and notifies the CM of the change. Remembering previous consistency requests, the CM notifies everyone that the two meetings can be held on the 18th and 19th. Dirk chooses to keep the Back-to-Back decision and remake the decisions about the choice of meeting dates for M1 and M2, resulting in the assignments Date.M1 := 18 and Date.M2 := 19.
Issues: The CM notification is based on a change to a previous response. Also, the context of scheduling back-to-back meetings is maintained.
Step 5: Then Carl's schedule changes so that he is available on the 8th. This change in his domain causesRedux' to send two messages: one to Axel suggesting that the Three-Meetings decision, together with [7,19], may be possible after all, and one to the CM, notifying it of the domain change. The CM sends Axel, Brigitt, and Dirk messages confirming that [7,19] is available because the third meeting can be scheduled on the 8th. Even better, the CM will note a back-to-back meeting on [7,8] is now possible. Brigitt, in order to make the 18th free again, changes the date decisions to result in the assignments Date.M1 := 7 and Date.M2 := 8.
Issues:Redux' volunteers information about a possible change to an earlier context. The CM volunteers complementary information about variable value possibilities, based upon previous interest. Both mechanisms are necessary to note all the possibilities.
Step 6: Axel objects saying that he has already planned another
meeting in Los Angeles on the 19th to take advantage of his presence
there. He takes up theRedux' suggestion of
Three-Meetings, reverts to this decision and to the decision for
Date.M1 := 7. (The decision for Date.M2 := 19 is
unchanged.) The goal to have a third meeting is reinstated
and satisfied with a decision that Date.M3 := 8.
Issues: Problem solvers are free to use the volunteered information at any time. If it were no longer the case that this option was available,Redux' would not let the decision be made. In this case, as soon as the context changed, constraint C5 was in force, C6 was not, and the goal of choosing a value for M3 was again valid.
Problem Summary:
Step | Decision | M1,M2,M3 | Next Event |
1 | Three-Meeting | 7,19,x | C5 Added, Violated |
2 | Back-to-Back | 25,26 | Reject M1, Overconstrained |
3 | Back-to-Back | xx,26 | C6 Violated, Domain Change |
4 | Back-to-Back | 18,19 | Domain Change |
5 | Back-to-Back | 7,8 | Reject M2 |
6 | Three-Meeting | 7,19,8 | End |
This problem shows that it is simple and yet difficult to support formally. Further, the difficulty of following even this simple example illustrates the need for a bookkeeping and notification service. The problem is representative of engineering projects in which domains and constraints change as components are added and deleted from the design and designers change their preferences. In particular, it illustrates control of problem solving strategy by the users, interleaved with constraint propagation, dependency-directed backtracking, and interactions among the agents.
Conversely, constraint propagation complements DDB by eliminating the necessity to generate conflicts in order to detect the effects of constraint deletion.
The backtracking bookkeeping also should prevent problem solving thrashing. Though not illustrated, the problem solvers are free to pick inconsistent solutions and delay their resolution indefinitely. However, problem solvers are not allowed to rechoose a rejected decision while the reasons for the rejection are still valid. Moreover, these rejection reasons are used to warn problem solvers if they may be entering in a cycle of making and rejecting old decisions.
Further, consistency calculations must be based on the current state of problem solving. This means the CM needs to be notified by the bookkeeping agent whenever the validity of a constraint, domain, or value assignment changes, as well as of the addition of new ones. In turn, the CM needs to remember previous consistency requests by problem solvers, and notify the requester later if the answer would be different given the change of state detected by the bookkeeping agent.
What does the problem illustrate? First, notice that the representation of C-5 can be very simple. It need not have any conditions about whether the other two meetings are back-to-back, as that is modeled in the decision itself. There is no need for a exists relation, which does not properly belong in constraints anyway. The constraint comes into play only when appropriate. While this condition could be modeled within the constraint itself, it imposes more work on both the constraint writer and the constraint solver, and such conditions may not be easy to express in more complicated engineering design problems.
Second, the need for backtracking is fundamental for hard (read practical) problems. The revision and notification illustrated could not be handled by any of the systems at the workshop from which this example was drawn and has caused problems in others.
We have presented a scenario that illustrates the following:
[Bowen and Bahler 1992] Bowen J. and Bahler D., ``Task Coordination in Concurrent Engineering'', Enterprise Integration Modeling, C. Petrie, ed., MIT Press, October, 1992.
[Dhar and Raganathan 1990] Dhar V. and Raganathan N., ``An Experiment in Integer Programming,'' Communications of the ACM, March 1990.
[Dechter and Pearl 1989] Dechter R. and Pearl J., ``Tree clustring for Constraint Networks,'' AI 38 353 - 366, 1989.
[Dechter and Dechter 1988] Dechter, R.J and Dechter, A., ``Belief Maintenance in Dynamic Constraint Networks, Proc. AAAI-88, 37-42, St Paul MN, 1988.
[Finin et al. 1992] Finin, T., Fritzson, R., & McKay, D., ``A Language and Protocol to Support Intelligent Agent Interoperability,'' Proc. of the CE & CALS `92 Conf., Washington , June 1992. See also on the WWW.
[Freuder 1978] Freuder, E.C., ``Synthesizing Constraint Expressions,'' Communications of the ACM, 21:11, 958 - 965, 1978.
[Gaertner and Miksch 1995] Gaertner, J. and Miksch, S., ``Shift Scheduling with the Projections First Strategy," Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence - OeFAI, Technical Report, Vienna, 1995.
[Mackworth 1988] Mackworth, A., ``Knowledge Structuring and Constraint Satisfaction:The Mapsee Approach,'' IEEE PAMI, Nov. 1988.
[Mittal and Falkenhainer 1990] Mittal, S. and Falkenhainer, B., ``Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction,'' Proc. AAAI-90, 25-32, MIT Press, 1990.
[Park et al. 1994] Park, H., Lee, S., and Cutkosky, M., Section 5 of ``An Agent-Based Approach to Concurrent Cable Harness Design,'' AI/EDAM, 8: 1, 1994.
[Petrie 1993] Petrie, C., ``The Redux' Server,'' Proc. Internat. Conf. on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems (ICICIS), Rotterdam, May, 1993.
[Petrie et. al 1995] Petrie, C., Webster, T., & Cutkosky, M., ``Using Pareto Optimality to Coordinate Distributed Agents,'' AI/EDAM, 9, 269-281, 1995.
[Stallman and Sussman 1976] Stallman, R. and Sussman, G., ``Forward Reasoning and Dependency-Directed Backtracking,'' Memo 380, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI Lab., Sept. 1976.
Charles Petrie Last modified: Fri Dec 19 17:55:39 PST 1997