The framework described here is an extension of the ProcessLink System. It is based on the Procura framework presented by Sigrid Goldmann.
The framework uses the Redux-agent as a central server to store an integrated model of the complete project-cycle, including design, plan, schedule and execution-trace. Dependencies can be established between design, plan and schedule. Thus Redux will provide change-management for the complete project as opposed to only the design. Multiple agents can connect to Redux and build a model of design, plan, schedule and execution collaborately. They can interleave their work on these phases, e.g an abstract plan can be generated by one agent based on a raw-design by second one while a third agent refines the design. Redux will propagate changes and notify the appropriate agents.
Common project management functionality as found in PrimaVera or MS Project is provided by a separate agent, the Plan Manager (PM). The PM has specifically implemented to provide this functionality based on the model stored on the Redux-server. It provides a scheduling algorithm based on estimated task-durations and their expected inputs and outputs. In addition it performs checks on a number of common constraints, e.g. resource-constraints or time-constraints, that are established automatically.
To provide these functionality, the PM requires specific semantics applied to the Redux-model. The representations of tasks, time, resources, etc. have follow a formalism that the PM can understand. Therefore an agent-wrapper has been implemented. Custom agents can use this wrapper to build Redux-models that are guaranteed to meet the requirements of the PM. The wrapper has been implemented together with an example-application. The Project Management Applet (PMApplet) provides a graphical user-interface (gui) that resembles common project management software and hides the complexity of the framework behind a familiar interface. Other agents can override the functionality of PMApplet and use its base as a generic agent-wrapper.