:content := "(" Task "|"
<String> "&"
Time "|" <time> "&"
[ Force "|" "true" "&" ] ")"
See also PM Content Fields and Values.
An agent should send this message to the PM as soon as he starts work on a task. The PM will check consistency between the start-time and the tasks schedule. If it is consistent, it will modify the tasks scheduling-decision to include the start-time, if not, the sender will receive an error-message. To override this behaviour, the sender can specify the "force" keyword with the value "true". In this case the PM will accept the start-time even if it is inconsistent with the schedule and only send a warning to the sender.
( StartWork
:sender iod
( Task | G0 &
Time | ( 0 h 3 / 3 / 1998 ) & )