
This is an EPL message with <performative> "ScheduleTask".
The sender can be any agent, the receiver is always "PM".

Content Fields and Values

:content := "(" Task "|" <string> "&"
                Rationale "|" { <assignment> } "&"
                Inputs "|" { <assignment> } "&"
                Agent "|" ( <string> | "none" ) "&"
                EarlyStartTime "|" ( <time> | "none" ) "&"
                LateStartTime "|" ( <time> | "none" ) "&"
                EarlyEndTime "|" ( <time> | "none" ) "&"
                LateEndTime"|" ( <time> | "none" ) "&"

Content Subfields Syntax

Taskname contains the name of the tasks' goal.
See also PM Content Fields and Values.


This message defines the schedule for a task. The PM will use the information to perform a number of consistency checks and make a scheduling-decision for the task.


( ScheduleTask
:sender iod
:receiver PM
:language ProcessLink-EPL
:content ( Task | G0 &
    Agent | iod &
    EarlyStartTime | ( 0 h 3 / 3 / 1998 ) &
    LateStartTime | ( 8 h 3 / 3 / 1998 ) &
    EarlyEndTime | ( 0 h 3 / 17 / 1998 ) &
    LateEndTime | ( 8 h 3 / 17 / 1998 ) &