

This is an EPL message with <performative> "RequestResources".
The receiver can be any agent, the "PM" is used as an intermediate agent.

Content Fields and Values

:content := "("  Task "|" <string> "&"
                 Agent "|" <string "&" 
                 Resources "|" "(" { <resource> <amount> } ")" "&"

The BNF notation of braces to indicate 0 or more occurances is used for simplicity of notation. 

Content Subfields Syntax

Taskname should contain the name of the taskss goal.
See also PM Content Fields and Values.


This message is sent by an agent, if he wants to consume more resources than specified for his task. It is usually sent to PM and then forwarded to the agent, who had specified the task information including the allowed resources.


( RequestResources
:sender Agent1
:receiver PM
:language ProcessLink-EPL
:content (  Task | G0 &
            Resources | ((Water 2000) (Funds 1000000)) & )