:content := "(" Task "|"
<string> "&"
Agent "|" <string> "&"
SpecifiedDuration "|" <time> "&"
RequestedDuration "|" <time> "&"
Taskname should contain the name of the tasks' goal.
See also PM Content Fields and Values.
An agent can use this message to protest against the duration specified
for his task. It contains the
specified duration, against which the agent protests, and a more realistic
duration, wich the agent proposes for the task. Usually this message is
sent to PM which forwards it to the appropriate agent.
( ProtestDuration
:sender PM
( Task | iod &
Agent | Agent1 &
SpecifiedDuration | ( 1 d 0 h ) &
ProposedDuration | ( 2 d 4 h ) & )