

This is an EPL message with <performative> "TaskInfo".
The sender can be any agent, the receiver is always "PM".

Content Fields and Values

:content := "(" Task "|" <string> "&"
                AssignedAgent "|" <string> "&"
                Inputs "|" "(" { <assignment> } ")" "&"
                Rationale "|" "(" { <reason> } ")" "&"
                ExpectedInputs "|" <product-ref>* "&"
                ExpectedOutputs"|" <product-ref>* "&"
                AllowedResources"|" <resource>* "&"
                Duration | <duration> "&"

The BNF notation of braces to indicate 0 or more occurances is used for simplicity of notation. 

Content Subfields Syntax

Taskname contains the name of the tasks' goal.
See also PM Content Fields and Values and Redux' Fields and Values


This message is used to inform the PM about a number of properties for a task. It specifies task-duration and expected inputs and outputs which can be used by the PM to compute and suggest a schedule.The PM will not make any scheduling-suggestions for tasks without TaskInfo.


( TaskInfo
:sender iod
:receiver PM
:language ProcessLink-EPL
:content ( Task | G0 &
    AssignedAgent | Agent1 &
    ExpectedInputs | (Frame consume) (Engine consume) &
    ExpectedOutputs | (Car produce) &
    AllowedResources | (Coolant 100) (Funds 35000) &
    AssignedAgent | frame-designer &
    Duration | ( 6 d 0 h ) &