

This is an EPL message with <performative> "InvalidTaskInfo".
The <receiver> is can be any agent, the sender is always "PM".

Content Fields and Values

:content := "(" Task "|" <string> "&" ")"

The BNF notation of braces to indicate 0 or more occurances is used for simplicity of notation. 

Content Subfields Syntax

Taskname contains the name of the tasks planningGoal.
See also PM Content Fields and Values.


The PM sends this message to an agent if the task information provided by the agent is invalid,  because the inputs for the decision, which have been provided by the agent when sendung the TaskInfo message, have become invalid. After sending InvalidTaskInfo,  the PM always send RequestTaskInfo so the agent can replace the invalid input or information.



( InvalidTaskInfo
:sender PM
:receiver Agent1
:language ProcessLink-EPL
:content ( Task | G0 & )