

This is an EPL message with <performative> "Ask-All".
The sender can be any agent, the receiver is "PM".

Content Fields and Values

:content := "(" PMType "|" <string> "&"
                TargetName "|" <string> "&"  ")"

Content Subfields Syntax

PMType should either be "Task", "Resource" or "Product". The TargetName specifies the Object and
depends on the PMType. All names have to be single-word-strings. Enclosing double-quotes are optional.
task <task-name> | "all"
product <product-name> | "all"
resource <resource-name> | "all"


This message queries the PM for information about a task, resource or product. This can either be detailed information on a single object, or a list of all objects of a type (task, product or resource) with limited details. See Reply for more.


( Ask-All
:sender base-designer
:receiver PM
:language ProcessLink-EPL
:content ( PMType | Task &
            TargetName | BUILD_FOUNDATION & )