Class FDATI.ModelPanel
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Class FDATI.ModelPanel


public class ModelPanel
extends Panel
Panel which contains the displayed model and controls for adding/removing fixture points, specifying analysis options and submitting the added fixture points for stability analysis.

Copyright (c) 1995, H. Robert Frost, Stanford University. All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) 1996, H. Robert Frost, Enterprise Integration Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the FAR and NASA FAR supplement.

This software is bound by the terms and conditions listed in the attached LICENSE file.

Variable Index

 o parent

Constructor Index

 o ModelPanel(FDATI, model, String, Color, Color)
Creates a new ModelPanel from the specified FDATIapplet for the specified model.

Method Index

 o action(Event, Object)
 o action(ModelViewer, String)
Called by ModelViewer when fixture points have been added or another message event has occured (usually debugging event).
 o addSystemMessage(String)
Adds a string message to the ModelPanel's TextArea.
 o removeFrame(Frame)
Called by a child frame to remove itself from the frames list.
 o setDim(String)
Sets the dimensionality analysis option.
 o setDir(String)
Sets the directionality analysis option.
 o setDirVec(hpoint)
Sets the direction vector for directional analysis.
 o setDisplayOptions(boolean, boolean, String)
Changes the display options.
 o stop()


 o parent
  public FDATI parent


 o ModelPanel
  public ModelPanel(FDATI p,
                    model m,
                    String name,
                    Color bg,
                    Color button)
Creates a new ModelPanel from the specified FDATIapplet for the specified model.
p - FDATI from which this ModelPanel was created
m - Model to be displayed
name - Name of the model


 o addSystemMessage
  public void addSystemMessage(String message)
Adds a string message to the ModelPanel's TextArea.
message - Message to display.
 o action
  public boolean action(Event evt,
                        Object arg)
action in class Component
 o stop
  protected void stop()
 o removeFrame
  public void removeFrame(Frame child)
Called by a child frame to remove itself from the frames list.
 o setDim
  public void setDim(String dim)
Sets the dimensionality analysis option.
dim - String representing the dimensionality, either "3D" or "planar"
 o setDir
  public void setDir(String dir)
Sets the directionality analysis option.
dim - String representing the directionality, either "Form Closure" or "Directional"
 o setDirVec
  public void setDirVec(hpoint vec)
Sets the direction vector for directional analysis.
vec - An hpoint vector.
 o setDisplayOptions
  public void setDisplayOptions(boolean edge,
                                boolean render,
                                String light)
Changes the display options. If both edge and render are false, the model will be rendered.
edge - Should edges be shown?
render - Should faces be rendered?
light - Direction of light vector, one of "north", "south", "east" or "west".
 o action
  public void action(ModelViewer viewer,
                     String message)
Called by ModelViewer when fixture points have been added or another message event has occured (usually debugging event).
viewer - AppModelViewer which has called the action method
message - Message being sent by viewer

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