Purpose: This is a working meeting to discuss the research issues and development of Semantic Email Addressing (SEA). The proptotype system was developed by Lee-Ming Zen (now left from DERI Stanford) and Michael Kassoff based on a joint design with Michael Genesereth and Charles Petrie at DERI Stanford, and built on top of Digital DERI¹.
An overall discussion of the context of SEA is given in the Sep/Oct issue of IEEE Internet Computing in the Peer To Peer column titled "Semantic Attention Management". The prototype system is described more precisely in the paper being presented at the AAAI Fall Symposium titled "Semantic Email Addressing: Sending Email to People, not Strings"
Michael Luger at Innsbruck and Simon Scerri at Galway are extending this work. Michael is working with the Digital DERI SEA source code and Simon is developing some of the issues as a Ph.D. topic. This working meeting is to identify the research and implementation issues for then next few years so that the DERI sites can cooperate on this important development.
This is a working meeting so the agenda is rough, but the meeting
will run from 10:00 to 18:00 on 5 Oct 2006 in
conference room 3W04. An outline agenda is:
10:00 Introductions and Outline of Issues - Charles
11:00 Discussion of Ph.D. Research - Simon
12:00 Lunch
14:00 DERI Intl. implementation, use, and potential - Michael
15:00 Open discussion - other attendees.
16:00 Develop consensus on research issues
17:00 Develop consensus on tasks, responsibilities, and
coordination and
Exploration of funding possibilities
18:00 Wrap-up and close.
Since this meeting is about research in an early stage, it is very important that attendees meet face-to-face as much as possible in order to resolve issues that cannot be known in advance and that will develop out of the discussion.
In addition to the issues described in the publications above, we will want to decide on the properties people in Digital DERI that would be most useful for SEA. My current emphasis is on the "Interest" property. One question is whether the current DERI SIOC W3C member submission ontology is or could be relevant to the SEA effort, and how.
Anyone at DERI may attend this working meeeting. We hope especially that Ying Ding will be able to attend. Perhaps Axel Polleres, Stefan Decker, and Michael Kassoff will be able to phone in.
¹Digital DERI requires a userid of "<firstname>.<lastname>" and a 2nd access word consisting of our mutual institute name in all lower case. By design, everyone has access to all data.